Electrical problems 1967 427

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  • Rex T.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 1, 1984
    • 455

    Electrical problems 1967 427

    Ok, for all you electrical experts (which I am not). I am trying to get my 67 running......here are the facts.
    1. New 427-400 engine (non TI)
    2. New wiring harness (everything connected correctly)
    3. New battery, new spark plugs, new plug wires., new coil, new ballast resistor, new horn relay. Headlights and horns are not installed yet. Dash harness is original.

    Problem........engine wil crank over just fine, but no fire from coil to distributor. I have confirmed that there are 12 volts to the coil and to and from the ballast resistor. When the coil wire is pulled from distributor, there is no spark.

    As I said, I am not an electrical expert, so I am asking for suggestions for what to check so I can get this thing going.

    As always, thanks in advance for your help. Rex #8089
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Electrical problems 1967 427

    Have you verified that the points are opening and closing and set the dwell? A test light from the coil (-) terminal to ground should flash when the engine is cranking.


    • Rex T.
      Very Frequent User
      • December 1, 1984
      • 455

      Re: Electrical problems 1967 427


      The test light remains on while cranking the engine. The light does not flash on and off.



      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • December 1, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: Electrical problems 1967 427

        Originally posted by Rex Turner (8089)

        The test light remains on while cranking the engine. The light does not flash on and off.

        If the test light remains on and doesn't flash on and off, the points aren't opening; either set them at 30* with your dwell meter, or set them at .018" gap when the rubbing block is on a high point of the point cam.


        • Rex T.
          Very Frequent User
          • December 1, 1984
          • 455

          Re: Electrical problems 1967 427

          With the cap off, i can see that they are opening and closing. Before I installed the distributor, I put it in a vise and set the point gap at .019 just to get them close. Now what?



          • William C.
            NCRS Past President
            • June 1, 1975
            • 6037

            Re: Electrical problems 1967 427

            With the newest design points, without the screw to attach the wires to the points, it's easy to get the two wires slightly misaligned where they connect to the points and result in no contact there.
            Bill Clupper #618


            • Rex T.
              Very Frequent User
              • December 1, 1984
              • 455

              Re: Electrical problems 1967 427

              OK, just now installed new points & condensor, and now the test light fickers on and off as the engine is cranking. Will try disoconnecting the coil wire again to check for a spark.


              • Rex T.
                Very Frequent User
                • December 1, 1984
                • 455

                Re: Electrical problems 1967 427

                Fire in the hole!! Now I've got a spark from the coil to the cap. Hopefully I can get this beast running this afternoon.

                John and bill, do you think it could have been a defective condenser or points?

                As always............thanks for you rhelp.



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