68-72 heater fan operation

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  • Jim N.
    Infrequent User
    • December 1, 1993
    • 7

    68-72 heater fan operation

    NCRS Operations manual and PV test guide says the blower should not operate with the left hand thumb wheel in the off position. Mine does operate - the airflow stops, but the fan runs. I've taken the console apart to look for any connection, and I've reviewed the 1969 factory chassis repair manual, which has very complete schematics. I can't find any evidence the fan should stop with the thumb wheel in the off position. Is the Ops Manual wrong? (this is a non-ac car)
  • Kurt B.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1996
    • 971

    Re: 68-72 heater fan operation

    Mine is a 68 A/C car and the fan stops completely when the left wheel is in the off position.
    I know you said your car is Non A/C but I would think yours should be off as well.


    • Warren F.
      • December 1, 1987
      • 1516

      Re: 68-72 heater fan operation


      I just went out and tried that on my '71. The fan still continues to run with the thumb wheel turned to the off position. My car is non A/C also.


      • Dave S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 1, 1992
        • 2911

        Re: 68-72 heater fan operation

        I came across the same thing when I was doing PV's on my 70 and 71. Both cars acted like yours. I discussed this with the Team Leader and it was agreed that the car was correct as is and the wording in the manual was a bit confusing. The manual needs to be updated and my guess is that it will be at some point.


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