257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster - NCRS Discussion Boards

257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster

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  • Kirk M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 2006
    • 1036

    257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster

    Couple of quick questions regarding these bulbs. My electrical diagram shows using the 257 "blinking bulbs" in the "LIGHTS" warning socket and "BRAKE" warning socket of the dash cluster. Since these bulbs blink, I assumed that they would both blink. The Judging Guide then states that the BRAKE warning light (for the emergency brake) should NOT BLINK. Ok. So, does the BRAKE light only blink for brake line pressure (the second job of this light) and not Emergency Brake engagement? Just not sure how to interpret the text. Haven't put the re-conditioned cluster back in, so I wanted to get an answer before doing so. Thanks.
  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: 257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster

    If you check the AIM, you will see that the parking brake bulb has a different part number than the headlamp warning bulb. previous years used the same bulb. The electrical diagrams may not reflect the change, and the electrical diagram in the aim does not call out the bulbs at least in my copy. I believe there is also a list in the owners manual that would reflect the proper bulbs.
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Kirk M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 2006
      • 1036

      Re: 257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster

      So, you are saying that for a 67 cluster the BRAKE warning bulb is NOT a 257. Is that correct? Can anyone out there tell me what it is then??


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: 257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster

        Originally posted by Kirk McHugh (46057)
        So, you are saying that for a 67 cluster the BRAKE warning bulb is NOT a 257. Is that correct? Can anyone out there tell me what it is then??
        That's correct - for a '67, it's an 1816, same as the cluster illumination bulbs, as shown in the bulb chart in the Owner's Manual.


        • Kirk M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 30, 2006
          • 1036

          Re: 257 Blinking Bulbs in 67 Dash Cluster

          Thanks guys. Saved me from re-installing the cluster with the wrong bulb. Funny how items like electrical diagrams that are sold as correct can still have wrong information on them. I took the original 1816 bulb out of the socket thinking, what a dummy, this should be a 257 so it blinks. Guess who the real dummy was - me. Not the first time for that.


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