C1 starter relay question

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  • Michael L.
    • August 1, 2005
    • 562

    C1 starter relay question

    Will a 1116903 starter relay work as a replacement on a '55? The one I'm looking at has three terminals: looking at the part as it is on the firewall, one on the left horizontal, two on the bottom, vertical. Which wires hook up to which terminal on a 903? Colors of the wires would be a big help, niether of my wiring diagrams even show a relay... I know the realy question has been posted, I checked archives, but they mention a four terminal relay, cutting off one terminal and running a jumper, this one only has the three.

    Thanks for the help!

  • Roy B.
    • February 1, 1975
    • 7044

    Re: C1 starter relay question

    The left post wire is purple coming from the key,right post wire is black coming from the PG , bottom post wire is yellow going to the starter solenoid "S" post ,because the 55 only solenoid had one post as seen here.
    If you don't have a correct relay right now you can connect the purple and yellow to gather buy passing the PG black wire to start the engine (will now start in any gear) then later when you find a correct relay and add it. That's how to start the engine if your relay goes bad!


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