1970 Ignition Shielding Question - NCRS Discussion Boards

1970 Ignition Shielding Question

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  • Tom L.
    • May 7, 2007
    • 438

    1970 Ignition Shielding Question

    I sent my BB ignition shielding, as well as other parts, out to be rechromed several months ago. When I sent it, there was a metal tab with serrated ends that was rivited to the front of the shielding box. There was only one rivit and the tab was loose. The chrome shop took it apart to refinish the pieces and didn't record what hole the rivit was in. There are four holes on the shielding box and two on the tab. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take pictures of the shielding before I sent it out. Does anyone know 1) which holes are used 2) whether the tab points up or down 3) how many rivits should be used and 4) what is it's purpose? Thanks in advance.
  • Jordan S.
    • December 17, 2007
    • 113

    Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

    My 70 454 shielding shows the tab mounted in the two lower holes with two rivets. See pics (obviously not yet restored).

    Good luck with the completion of your resto.

    Attached Files


    • Tony H.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 31, 1993
      • 537

      Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

      Tom and Jordan,
      I'm curious as to what are the approximately sequence numbers (VINs) to your cars and what type of shielding and air cleaner are on your cars (I'm assuming they are original)? My shield is the box style, like Jordan's, and it is matched to the double snorkle air cleaner. It is a late July build. Mine is missing the tab. I believe the tab was intended to provide a ground the air cleaner. I believe there were variations to the tabs depending on the air cleaner/shielding combination.


      • Jordan S.
        • December 17, 2007
        • 113

        Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

        Originally posted by Tony Hurtado (22683)
        Tom and Jordan,
        I'm curious as to what are the approximately sequence numbers (VINs) to your cars and what type of shielding and air cleaner are on your cars (I'm assuming they are original)? My shield is the box style, like Jordan's, and it is matched to the double snorkle air cleaner. It is a late July build. Mine is missing the tab. I believe the tab was intended to provide a ground the air cleaner. I believe there were variations to the tabs depending on the air cleaner/shielding combination.

        our build dates are similar (see prior post) https://www.forums.ncrs.org/showthre...56814&uid=4528

        I too have a dual snorkel air cleaner, July build date. I'm not sure if the tab contacts the air cleaner when installed. If it is a ground, I assume it would need to contact the air cleaner. I'll have to check this out when I put things back together in a few weeks. Still rebuilding my front suspension.

        Last edited by Jordan S.; April 3, 2008, 08:18 PM.


        • Tom L.
          • May 7, 2007
          • 438

          Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

          Jordan, thanks for the pictures, they're a big help.

          Tony, I have a June 16th car with a production number in the mid 12k range. It has an original open air cleaner.


          • Tony H.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 31, 1993
            • 537

            Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

            Thanks for your response, Jordan. From the looks of your picture, it looks like your tab has broken off and I'll bet that at one time, the original did extend to the air cleaner. Your picture is great, though, and there is a lot of value (to me) that yours is an unrestored original. I'd just polish it up and not restore it.

            Second, it's nice to know that your configuration matches mine and we have close build dates. The originality of our configuration is sometimes questioned so it's good to know of a second instance.

            I think I have seen the various tabs on shields in someone's catalog. Perhaps it was Dr Rebuild's. I'll have to check. I don't think the separate tabs were for sale but it sure would be nice to have the tabs and rivets available for those of us who need to restore them. If we had an original to copy, I guess that would be great. I'd like to get together at some point to document the rivets and tabs.

            Last edited by Tony H.; April 3, 2008, 08:48 PM. Reason: Add web link


            • Mike E.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • February 28, 1975
              • 5115

              Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

              Do I recall that the bottom holes were for the small block and the upper holes for the big block? There's something floating around in my brain about that--can somebody confirm or deny and put me out of my misery?


              • Jordan S.
                • December 17, 2007
                • 113

                Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

                It appears that my tab (what's left) matches what Doc listed for the 3x2 setup (Figure L.). I'm pretty sure this is original to my car which has a single 4-barrel. The NCRS tech manual Fig M 10.0 shows the tab mounted in the upper 2 holes with configuration like Doc's figure K but does not specify if this is for small or big block.

                Maybe someone else with a mid- '70 LS 5 can post a pic of their tab to see if it matches mine.


                • Terry M.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • September 30, 1980
                  • 15543

                  Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

                  There was a time (say 20-25 years ago) when the tabs and rivets were available from one of the venders, but I'll have to get intimate with my long-term memory to recall who. It probably doesn't matter too much because that was then and this is now.

                  Mike is doing well -- the different holes are for different carburetor configurations -- but I'm thinking Q-jet v Holley. Now if only I could remember where I saw that reference. I'm also thinking there are different shapes to the tabs.

                  I don't have the TIM&JG with me, but if the Fig M 10.0 is a line drawing of the distributor shielding -- that drawing was copied from the AIM and is not intended to convey the detail you are looking for. It is only intended to show the different distributor shield configuration. Forget what it shows about the tab -- other than there should be a tab.


                  • Joe T.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • October 25, 2006
                    • 304

                    Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

                    Gentlemen: If the 1969 configuration is the same, I can post pictures of my partially disassembled L-36? Let me know if you would like to see them? Mine uses the two top holes and the tab points DOWN...Regards...Joe


                    • Kenneth B.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • August 31, 1984
                      • 2083

                      Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

                      Originally posted by Mike Ernst (211)
                      Do I recall that the bottom holes were for the small block and the upper holes for the big block? There's something floating around in my brain about that--can somebody confirm or deny and put me out of my misery?
                      My 70 LT-1 SN 3893 & SN 5128 with original shielding have the tab in the top two holes as dose my 70 454 SN 7601.
                      65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,
                      What A MAN WON'T SPEND TO GIVE HIS ASS A RIDE


                      • Alan S.
                        Extremely Frequent Poster
                        • July 31, 1989
                        • 3413

                        Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

                        Hi Tom,
                        I was pleased to meet you last weekend at the Mason Dixon Chapter's Spring Meet. I'm also glad you got to see Kevin Goodman's Bowtie 71. It's a terriffic car and we're all fortunite he's so willing to bring it out for people to see at the local level.
                        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
                        Mason Dixon Chapter
                        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


                        • Tom L.
                          • May 7, 2007
                          • 438

                          Re: 1970 Ignition Shielding Question

                          Joe, I would certianly like to see the pictures if you have the time to post them. Thank you.

                          Alan, it was a pleasure to meet you and some of the other members as well. Thanks for showing me around.


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