I'm new to the hobby and trying to wrap my head around whether to buy original stuff whenever I can or to settle for repop stuff. I've been looking at the repop battery hold downs for 56-62 corvettes and they look pretty much identical to the original ones I see on ebay. Does anyone know, who has been able to compare them, what the differences are (if any?). thicker metal? different spot welds? different shape?
I'm kinda hung up on eventually showing my car, and making it as orginal as I can, but I don't want to bankrupt myself in the process. Most all the repop stuff I have got, I can tell is different in some way from original stuff that I have as well (the car came with boxes of original beat up parts and replacement parts). Missing stamps, wrong shape, thinner metal. How much repop stuff is too much to hope for a top flight?
I'm kinda hung up on eventually showing my car, and making it as orginal as I can, but I don't want to bankrupt myself in the process. Most all the repop stuff I have got, I can tell is different in some way from original stuff that I have as well (the car came with boxes of original beat up parts and replacement parts). Missing stamps, wrong shape, thinner metal. How much repop stuff is too much to hope for a top flight?