86-89 Upper Dash Pad - NCRS Discussion Boards

86-89 Upper Dash Pad

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  • Peter M.
    • April 8, 2007
    • 570

    86-89 Upper Dash Pad

    Ecklers, Mid America, Corvette Central and others are all offering what appears to be a stock dash board pad. They are all drop shipping these new pads from the manufacturer. Does anyone know who this manufacturer is? Any insight here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    Last edited by Peter M.; May 1, 2008, 06:57 PM.
  • Patrick H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 11560

    Re: 86-89 Upper Dash Pad

    Originally posted by Peter Mihaltian (47240)
    Ecklers, Mid America, Corvette Central and others are all offering what appears to be a stock dash board pad. They are all drop shipping these new pads from the manufacturer. Does anyone know who this manufacturer is? Any insight here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    97% chance it's Corvette America.

    Al Knoch doesn't show one, so it's not them.
    EC Products shows one, so that's a maybe, but not many people seem to carry their products.
    I can't think of anyone else likely to make one.

    Vice-Chairman (West), Michigan Chapter NCRS
    71 "deer modified" coupe
    72 5-Star Bowtie / Duntov coupe. https://www.flickr.com/photos/124695...57649252735124
    2008 coupe
    Available stickers: Engine suffix code, exhaust tips & mufflers, shocks, AIR diverter valve broadcast code.


    • Peter M.
      • April 8, 2007
      • 570

      Re: 86-89 Upper Dash Pad

      Thank you, Patrick.


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