NCRS Decal?

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  • Peter M.
    • April 9, 2007
    • 570

    NCRS Decal?

    Are there really points given for an NCRS decal? Where is the correct place for the decal? Where can you get the correct decal?
  • Dick W.
    Former NCRS Director Region IV
    • July 1, 1985
    • 10483

    Re: NCRS Decal?

    Peter you can earn bonus points for:
    (1) NCRS Decal
    (2) Fire Extinguisher
    (3) Battery Cut Off Switch

    Each of these items are worth 3 points, or if you have all three, a total of 10 points.

    Decals may be obtained by contacting the Cincinnati office
    Dick Whittington


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: NCRS Decal?

      Yes, one gets points for NCRS decal, battery cut-off and fire extinguisher -- 3 points each, and/or ten points for all three items.
      There is no specific location for the decal, but don't cover the manufacturers logo on the glass. You can get one from the membership office in Cincinnati, some local chapters keep a supply, and I know a few team leaders who keep several on-hand in thir judging kit.
      Be sure the fire extinguisher is large enough to be useful -- and that definition is up to the appropriate team leader. The smallest ones, like you might put in your pocket, may not be counted. There is no need to mount the fire extinguisher in the car, just place it beside the car for judging.


      • Mike M.
        Director Region V
        • September 1, 1994
        • 1463

        Re: NCRS Decal?

        In some certain sloped judging venues to address safety needs, we have also seen the larger fire extinguishers functioning quite well as wheel chocks.
        H. a. N. D.


        • Mike M.
          Director Region V
          • September 1, 1994
          • 1463

          Re: NCRS Decal?

          Not recommended however.


          • Kenneth B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 1, 1984
            • 2078

            Re: NCRS Decal?

            Originally posted by Peter Mihaltian (47240)
            Are there really points given for an NCRS decal? Where is the correct place for the decal? Where can you get the correct decal?
            No one addressed this but you don't lose points if you do not have these items. They are bonus points like driving points. NCRS is giving extra credit as it were to have these & to drive to the meets
            65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


            • Peter M.
              • April 9, 2007
              • 570

              Re: NCRS Decal?

              Thanks for the prompt answers


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