C-3 interlock caution label placement

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  • Mark A.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1996
    • 295

    C-3 interlock caution label placement

    Could someone please tell me where exactly the interlock caution label for my 69 goes? The label reads : This is a rotating interlock-Do not manipulate--Damage may result. The judging guide is rather vague, only stating that it goes on the left side of the steering column. Does it go up high by the turn signal, or towards the bottom by the firewall? Thanks for the help. Mark
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: C-3 interlock caution label placement

    Originally posted by Mark Albertus (27234)
    Could someone please tell me where exactly the interlock caution label for my 69 goes? The label reads : This is a rotating interlock-Do not manipulate--Damage may result. The judging guide is rather vague, only stating that it goes on the left side of the steering column. Does it go up high by the turn signal, or towards the bottom by the firewall? Thanks for the help. Mark

    When was the car built? Later cars did not have the label. I can tell you for sure that my original owner 1969, built mid-September 1969 did not have any such label.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Mark A.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 1, 1996
      • 295

      Re: C-3 interlock caution label placement

      My car is the same as yours, mid Sept. Ilooked to see if I could find remnants of a sticker and could not find one. The guide says the 2nd design label appears in Aug and Sept. You think that maybe it was already discontinued on our cars? Mark


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43129

        Re: C-3 interlock caution label placement

        Originally posted by Mark Albertus (27234)
        My car is the same as yours, mid Sept. Ilooked to see if I could find remnants of a sticker and could not find one. The guide says the 2nd design label appears in Aug and Sept. You think that maybe it was already discontinued on our cars? Mark

        I know for absolute certain that my car never had such a label. Whether mine was the only mid-September built car without a label I do not know, for sure. However, I fully expect that mine was not the only one.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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