C3, Brake Bleeding, What's need and how? - NCRS Discussion Boards

C3, Brake Bleeding, What's need and how?

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  • Harry D.
    • May 31, 2006
    • 2

    C3, Brake Bleeding, What's need and how?

    Well is is spring, my 79 has no pedal. I'd like to here the proper way to bleed the brakes.
  • Kenneth T.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 23, 2008
    • 631

    Re: C3, Brake Bleeding, What's need and how?

    Well, if you have a pressure bleeder put the cap on the master and start at the rear most caliper and crack the bleed valve. I use the old time method and have my Wife pump and Hold the pedal. You may need to tap the caliper with a soft, plastic or rubber hammer to let the bubbles float to the top.


    • Harry D.
      • May 31, 2006
      • 2

      Re: C3, Brake Bleeding, What's need and how?

      Can you go, right rear, left rear, right front, and left front, by just watching and refilling the master cylinder?


      • Joe C.
        • August 31, 1999
        • 4598

        Re: C3, Brake Bleeding, What's need and how?

        Bleed calipers RR, LR, RF, LF. Don't forget to bleed BOTH bleed screws on rear calipers. It doesn't hurt to tap caliper with a rubber or wooden mallet to shake loose any air bubbles. This is particularly important if you are filling your hydraulic system for the first time.



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