Export Corvettes - NCRS Discussion Boards

Export Corvettes

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  • D S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 28, 2005
    • 1551

    Export Corvettes

    Did export Corvettes have Protect-O-Plate packets?

  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: Export Corvettes

    Originally posted by D Scott Sims (43568)
    Did export Corvettes have Protect-O-Plate packets?

    Here's proof that Canada export early '65s had them (this is an imprint on a dealer work order). Note the trans assy date P0829 [Aug 29th 1964] on a car that probably was assembled on Dec 18th. Also note 3.08 posi with an L79. Was a no-radio car -- an odd bird.

    The P-o-P program was introduced with the start of the 1965 MY. Strangely, my new '72 Canada-delivery convert didn't have one.


    • Henry J.
      Very Frequent User
      • October 31, 1999
      • 457

      Re: Export Corvettes


      Do you know whether the P-O-P for this 65 was metal or plastic?


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • November 30, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: Export Corvettes

        Most Chevrolets with P-O-P's that were shipped to Canada had the P-O-P replaced by an embossed plastic card issued by GM of Canada; example below is from a Camaro.


        • Henry J.
          Very Frequent User
          • October 31, 1999
          • 457

          Re: Export Corvettes

          Yes, I believe that you are absolutely correct.

          Certainly for the 1966 Corvette, the white plastic P-O-P was mailed to the new owner by GM of Canada with instructions to affix the P-O-P to the last page of the (bilingual) Owner's Protection Plan booklet. Unfortunately, the original owner of my 66 Corvette did not do so.

          What is of interest to me is the fate of all those metal P-O-P's, originally placed in the Corvettes at St. Louis, after the cars crossed the border into GM of Canada's hands. My guess is that GM of Canada found them a new home in a dumpster.


          • Wayne M.
            • February 29, 1980
            • 6414

            Re: Export Corvettes

            Originally posted by Henry Jakubiec (33095)

            Do you know whether the P-O-P for this 65 was metal or plastic?

            Henry --- Don't know, but I suspect (in this early Cdn. '65 car's case, at least) that the P-o-P was metal. The imprints on all the work orders I have are very sharp, as opposed to what you'd get with a GM Canada plastic re-issue.

            Also, note all the fields are filled in exactly as would appear on a metal plate. There was no P-o-P tape with the first owner's name -- the paperwork I got all had the 2nd owner's name written in; so I don't know if they removed the tape when owner #2 bought the car, and it was still under some warranty.

            If you run your finger lightly over a US metal plate with tape, the metal stampings are much sharper than the P-o-P tape, and register as such when run through the addressograph(?) machine to emboss the data on the workorder.

            Here is a close-up example of a US car ('65 convertible # 14904).


            • Henry J.
              Very Frequent User
              • October 31, 1999
              • 457

              Re: Export Corvettes


              The information that you have provided is very interesting, but is at odds with what I thought.

              The only "original" P-O-P for a Canadian Corvette that I have viewed is in a grainy picture presented on page 300 in M.F Dobbins (9th Edition) "Fact Book...1963-1967 Stingray". That picture shows a white plastic P-O-P which carries much less information than the US metal P-O-P's. It does show the FCO (Factory Car Order) number. I understand the FCO was an unique-to-GM Canada piece of documentation and the FCO number followed the car to its grave. Perhaps the FCO number could be traced back to the original configuration of the car by a dealer doing warranty work. I have many photographs of P-O-P's for other GM cars of the same vintage and they all appear to be similar in appearance and content.

              One of our Ontario Chapter members has a 67 Canadian Corvette, but its P-O-P is metal. Close examination reveals, though, that the metal P-O-P is a reissue in 1968 to the second owner, while there was still warranty on the car.

              I have it in my mind that, in 1968, all Canadian P-O-P's changed to metal. I didn't dream this up. I must have had some proof to think this, but my memory isn't what it once was. I'll have to check.


              • Henry J.
                Very Frequent User
                • October 31, 1999
                • 457

                Re: Export Corvettes

                The P-O-P that John Hinckley posted above is typical of what I have observed on other Canadian P-O-P's.

                The information is limited in comparison to that on US P-O-P's. In the Canadian case, only the owner's name and address, the FCO number, the in-service date, the zone/dealer number, the VIN and an unusal GM logo are included.


                • Wayne M.
                  • February 29, 1980
                  • 6414

                  Re: Export Corvettes -- additional P-O-P info

                  Henry -- Here's something I found, although it might just muddy the waters. I have GM Product Service Bulletins from GM Products of Canada, Oshawa Ontario; the 1964 1965 and 1966 sets and 4 issues only of the 1967 set. However, these bulletins mention only the Pontiacs (Domestic and Import), Acadian Beaumont, Buick, GMC Trucks; I don't know why Chevrolets are not mentioned, as per A.Colvin, Passenger, Chevy II and Chevelle were produced in Oshawa from at least 1965 MY, and passenger cars at St. Therese, Quebec, starting in 1967.

                  Anyway, here's what's mentioned about P-O-P's in the Oct 31st 1964 bulletin issue:

                  U.S. Owner Protection Plan Booklet - All 1965 Imported Models
                  The U.S. Owner Protection Plan booklet varies from the Canadian booklet in two main respects. First, it carries a "Protect-O-Plate" which is not required for use in Canada. Secondly, it does not include Verification Vouchers.

                  All 1965 Imported Pontiac and Cadillac vehicles sold in Canada will be equipped with the U.S. produced booklets.

                  In order for dealers to submit Warranty Claims on all 1965 U.S. tourist vehicles, and 1965 Imported Pontiac and Cadillac vehicles sold in Canada, the "Protect-O-Plate" may be disregarded, and Claims may be submitted for these vehicles without Verification Vouchers. It will not be necessary for District Service Managers to approve Claims due to Verification Vouchers not being used.

                  I repeat that the above 3 paragraphs may not apply to imported Corvettes. The work order imprint I showed for # 04835 may have been an exception in that the 1st and 2nd owners had it, and it was used by the original selling dealer [86660, Park Avenue Chev in Montreal] to submit warranty claims, even though not required.

                  Obviously, there were some Canadian P-O-P requirement changes in the following years, per Michael H's example.


                  • Henry J.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • October 31, 1999
                    • 457

                    Re: Export Corvettes -- additional P-O-P info


                    Do you have any idea what GM of Canada documents might clarify this? With that information in hand, I am perfectly willing to meet with George Zapora at GM Vintage Services and/or contact long time dealers to see whether they still have copies of these documents.


                    • Rob M.
                      NCRS IT Developer
                      • January 1, 2004
                      • 12659

                      Re: Export Corvettes

                      Could we also include non-Canada export cars in this discussion. Did they have POP's and if not was there a substitute?


                      NCRS Dutch Chapter Founder & Board Member
                      NCRS Software Developer
                      C1, C2 and C3 Registry Developer


                      • Wayne M.
                        • February 29, 1980
                        • 6414

                        Re: Export Corvettes -- additional P-O-P info

                        Originally posted by Henry Jakubiec (33095)

                        Do you have any idea what GM of Canada documents might clarify this? With that information in hand, I am perfectly willing to meet with George Zapora at GM Vintage Services and/or contact long time dealers to see whether they still have copies of these documents.
                        Sorry Henry -- that's all I have, and given that info, can't imagine why '65 convertible #04835 would have had a P-O-P identical in format to the U.S. vehicles.

                        If you're talking to Zapora, ask him to just give us the list of Canadian dealers with their names (as you know, so far the microfiche copies just show the dealer code, without the name or location; he has this info).


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