65 - 66 Day Night Mirror

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  • Jeff A.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 2000
    • 312

    65 - 66 Day Night Mirror

    Is there supposed to be a date code on the 65-6 day night mirrors.
    I was sure there was not - am I wrong?
    My Cars
  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: 65 - 66 Day Night Mirror

    Originally posted by Jeff Ashen (33409)
    Is there supposed to be a date code on the 65-6 day night mirrors.
    I was sure there was not - am I wrong?
    "Optional non-glare mirrors do not have a date code" That's what it says in the '65 TIM&JG and that's the situation on my early and late '65's with Z01 option.


    • Jeff A.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 2000
      • 312

      Re: 65 - 66 Day Night Mirror

      Thanks - Yes I knew that -
      Someone is giving me a real hard time
      that I told him there were no date codes.
      Just wanted to be sure I wasn't losing my mind.
      My Cars


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