Lost my mark fan clutch & water pump

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  • Charles P.
    • May 1, 2005
    • 332

    Lost my mark fan clutch & water pump

    After I removed my fan and fan clutch today for servicing I consulted the AIM for 73 which states the fan clutch "yellow" mark should be aligned with the "blue" mark on the water pump hub.
    My fan clutch DOES have a yellow mark on it but I did not note where I took it off. Do I now have to take the belts off the PS and alt and remove the pulley to check for and align the blue mark underneath?
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: Lost my mark fan clutch & water pump

    Originally posted by Charles Platania (43822)
    After I removed my fan and fan clutch today for servicing I consulted the AIM for 73 which states the fan clutch "yellow" mark should be aligned with the "blue" mark on the water pump hub.
    My fan clutch DOES have a yellow mark on it but I did not note where I took it off. Do I now have to take the belts off the PS and alt and remove the pulley to check for and align the blue mark underneath?

    If the waterpump has ever been replaced, there won't be any blue mark on the hub.

    If the waterpump has not been replaced, I would not be concerned about removing the belts and pullies to locate the blue mark. The relationship between the marks is designed to "fine tune" the balance of the assembly. However, even if the marks are not aligned, I don't think you'll notice any difference and I don't think that any problem will be created.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Michael W.
      • April 1, 1997
      • 4290

      Re: Lost my mark fan clutch & water pump

      If your pump is original the mark may still be there however all the components on the car have had 35 years of physical deterioration since the date of manufacture. The minute variations which determined the light or heavy spot back then are most likely long gone making the location of the mark irrelevant.

      IAW, don't worry about it.


      • Charles P.
        • May 1, 2005
        • 332

        Re: Lost my mark fan clutch & water pump

        Thanks for the replies. I couldn't recall ever doing that in the past but when I read the AIM and saw the mark I thought I would post the question. I was hoping that was the answer. I hate tightening belts.


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