What is proper coil mounting and testing if it is good ?

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  • Paul J.
    • July 1, 1999
    • 83

    What is proper coil mounting and testing if it is good ?

    Is a coil designed to be mounted only vertically? What happens if it is laid down horizontally? Are there any made that can be mounted horizontally?
    The engine is a 327" carbureted and distributor has a point eliminator kit installed. Also has a Jacobs ignition.
    How do you test a coil to see if it works? The engine shuts off after getting warm and it is still getting fuel.
  • Wayne W.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1982
    • 3605

    Re: What is proper coil mounting and testing if it is good ?

    Originally posted by Paul Jarrett (32495)
    Is a coil designed to be mounted only vertically? What happens if it is laid down horizontally? Are there any made that can be mounted horizontally?
    The engine is a 327" carbureted and distributor has a point eliminator kit installed. Also has a Jacobs ignition.
    How do you test a coil to see if it works? The engine shuts off after getting warm and it is still getting fuel.
    Really shouldnt make any difference which way it is mounted. Most are up, but some are not. On my 33 Cadi it is upside down and on the 31 it is sideways. A simple short to ground on the negative side will create a spark if the coil is good, but a sure way to eliminate a bad coil is to try another one in its place. If the symptom goes away, its probably the coil.


    • Paul J.
      • July 1, 1999
      • 83

      Re: What is proper coil mounting and testing if it is good ?

      Thanks Wayne


      • Roy B.
        • February 1, 1975
        • 7044

        Re: What is proper coil mounting and testing if it is good ?

        55 Corvette is the only one I know of that lays on it's side (corvette) holding the coil wire end at the engine or any grounding area will spark if working but cant tell you if it OK when driving.


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