'68-'72 Spare Tire Carrier Differences ?

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  • Greg R.
    Frequent User
    • April 1, 2005
    • 47

    '68-'72 Spare Tire Carrier Differences ?

    I wanted to ask if there are major or subtle differences for the spare tire carriers for the years '68-'72 (or possibly later model years) I have a '69 and need to begin my search for a correct example. Thanks in advance
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    Re: '68-'72 Spare Tire Carrier Differences ?

    Originally posted by Greg Roccaro (43631)
    I wanted to ask if there are major or subtle differences for the spare tire carriers for the years '68-'72 (or possibly later model years) I have a '69 and need to begin my search for a correct example. Thanks in advance

    There was really no difference over the 1968-72 period with respect to spare tire carriers. Later in the C3 period, the color of the fiberglass tub became a lighter shade of gray. However, the configuration of the tub did not change.

    Over the course of the 1968-82 period, 3 different "V" straps were used for the carrier. However, the differences between these straps is so minor, I'll bet there isn't anyone that could tell them apart.

    Something that did change was the spare tire lock bolt, but this is not part of the spare tire carrier. 3 different bolts were used over the period to accommodate the different tire sizes.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Greg R.
      Frequent User
      • April 1, 2005
      • 47

      Re: '68-'72 Spare Tire Carrier Differences ?

      As always, THANK YOU JOE ! Great information.


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