Your feelings on Corvette registries?

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  • Eric J.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1980
    • 771

    Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

    Back around 2000 when I bought my 81 I started The first version, later to be That site literally sucked all the wind out of me. Way to much time. Then CODE RED the internet trojan whiped out my web server and poof it was gone... So I went back to collecting data in private.

    For 15+ years I have compiled a database of over 8000 corvettes mostly listed in 70s era publications and personal observation. I have reunited 3 past owners with their cars and found 2 engines. I have also uncovered several duplicate VIN#s. It is useful, but the data frankly would not be worth the time for me if I was no OCD and obsessed with VIN#s. I have never charged a fee for the 5 people I helped although I could have. I was so excited to find them. I stopped chasing down owners years ago. It was to creepy to let these folks know I found their cars. They took a lot of convincing before they would take the info I had. Meanwhile I keep adding and adding and adding...... Found 25 new vins this week (see my earlier post) . Someday long in the future I will make the info available to everyone. I even have the domain (registed that on along time ago as well) I can almost see that day. My inbox will have a 1000 new mesages and I will go about my day finding obsure VINs from long forgotten magazines and reuniting owners with their cars .................


    • David D.
      • January 1, 2005
      • 416

      Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

      Originally posted by David Hobby (46447)
      My philosophy is I'm a temporary caretaker of the car to preserve it for a future enthusiast and it is nice to have a registry to record past ownership. Also it is a piece of American history/art and I feel some obligation of sharing information with other interested people. Dave
      First I completely agree about being a temporary caretaker but Dave also made me think when he writes it is nice to have a registry to record past ownership.

      Does anyone know if any registry has the ability to append the 'Owners' names?

      In other words:
      • Car is in Registry
      • Car is passed on to new owner (due to Sale or Death)
      • Will Registy reflect BOTH owners so as not to loose record of past ownership?
      Just curious,


      • Rob M.
        NCRS IT Developer
        • January 1, 2004
        • 12625

        Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

        Originally posted by David Duell (43184)
        First I completely agree about being a temporary caretaker but Dave also made me think when he writes it is nice to have a registry to record past ownership.

        Does anyone know if any registry has the ability to append the 'Owners' names?

        In other words:
        • Car is in Registry
        • Car is passed on to new owner (due to Sale or Death)
        • Will Registy reflect BOTH owners so as not to loose record of past ownership?
        Just curious,
        the C1, C2 and C3 registry does offer this functionality...


        NCRS Dutch Chapter Founder & Board Member
        NCRS Software Developer
        C1, C2 and C3 Registry Developer


        • Rob M.
          NCRS IT Developer
          • January 1, 2004
          • 12625

          Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

          PS I have problems with question of this poll since I think it tries to lead you to think registries neccesarily should reflect how the car was delivered initially (since the question is posted on the NCRS board).

          When I build the C1, C2 and C3 registries my goal was to provide an insight of how many cars are still out there and a possibility for current and future owners to get ion contact with previous owners to research the history of their cars.

          A side-effect of publishing these sites is that it provides a very nice on-line photo album of Corvettes of the first, second and third generation and it also delivers possibilities to log the process on your cars restoration process.

          For these registries I never have, and never will, claim they are accurately specifying how the car left the factory or dealer...


          NCRS Dutch Chapter Founder & Board Member
          NCRS Software Developer
          C1, C2 and C3 Registry Developer


          • Michael M.
            • November 1, 2001
            • 411

            Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

            I wasn`t on any of the very old registeries but have been on the C2 for quite some time and enjoy looking at the other posted info and always a faint hope that one of the previous owners might see the ad and fill in some gaps.


            • Steven S.
              • August 30, 2007
              • 571

              Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

              Originally posted by Eric Jackson (3182)
              Back around 2000 when I bought my 81 I started The first version, later to be That site literally sucked all the wind out of me. Way to much time. Then CODE RED the internet trojan whiped out my web server and poof it was gone... So I went back to collecting data in private.

              For 15+ years I have compiled a database of over 8000 corvettes mostly listed in 70s era publications and personal observation. I have reunited 3 past owners with their cars and found 2 engines. I have also uncovered several duplicate VIN#s. It is useful, but the data frankly would not be worth the time for me if I was no OCD and obsessed with VIN#s. I have never charged a fee for the 5 people I helped although I could have. I was so excited to find them. I stopped chasing down owners years ago. It was to creepy to let these folks know I found their cars. They took a lot of convincing before they would take the info I had. Meanwhile I keep adding and adding and adding...... Found 25 new vins this week (see my earlier post) . Someday long in the future I will make the info available to everyone. I even have the domain (registed that on along time ago as well) I can almost see that day. My inbox will have a 1000 new mesages and I will go about my day finding obsure VINs from long forgotten magazines and reuniting owners with their cars .................
              A commendable effort you have put forth there! Do you keep tabs on Corvette engine listings, or does your database consist only of cars?


              • Roger S.
                • June 1, 2003
                • 262

                Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

                I am one of those people that is keeping a "registry". For me it is more of a database for color, trim, options, production dates inquiries. I have been building it for about 6 years for 1973 Corvettes. It is not an online registry since I don't have a PC that could serve as a full time server. The database is an Excel spreadsheet that email to Corvette folks that ask for it, mainly folks from one of he more popular Corvette Forums. Yes, the information may not be perfect, but it is better than nothing for someone researching 1973 Corvettes. The version I email does not contain the owners name or his afillation. This database also has information about the sales/build history for 1973, information gleaned from build sheets, window stickers, dealer invoices, shippers, etc.. While this database is not for everyone some folks have been helpful in getting information for me while some have not been. As a general statement, which I really dislike making because there are exceptions, the NCRS folks have been less helpful in obtaining information than most folks on other forums. That being said I will stated the exception that a couple NCRS folks have been very helpful in getting information. One day if I reach data on 10% of the 1973's made I will submit the information for an article for the Restorer or whatever forum the NCRS would like to use. I have attached the file to posts at other forums in the past. I would here except that files with the .xls extension are not listed as being able to be attachments.


                • Tom L.
                  • May 8, 2007
                  • 438

                  Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

                  I've found some very valuable information on the 1970 Registry.


                  • Michael W.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • August 1, 2006
                    • 190

                    Re: Your feelings on Corvette registries?

                    When I drop this post, I do it in the name of the C1, C2 and C3 registries started by our chapter.

                    The post of David Hobby underlines exactly what our intention was with the registries, to log info for future owners and to provide information which is entered by enthousiasts. The person who registers decides how much info he/she wants to enter about himself/herself and the car. In this way we try to provide a suitable security for every user.

                    In terms of data integrity. The current or past owner enters what is known about the car. Periodically we screen the dbases against black book info to see if we see flaws.

                    Michael Westenberg
                    '65 rally red convertible + flip flop interior
                    '99 torch red coupe + light oak interior


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