The NCRS 56-57 JG indicates that at approx. VIN 2900, 1957 fuel injected optioned Corvettes converted from 9 fin to 7 fin valve covers. My '57 fuelie (VIN 3551) is relatively unmolested/unrestored and according to the second owner (he purchased the '57 in 1958 and sold it to me in 1993), this Corvette possessed 9 fin valve covers when he purchased it. The drivers side valve cover even has the cut out for the air meter.
I am curious as to how many other '57 fuelie owners (with original engines/valve covers) with VINs greater than 2900 also have the 9 fin valve covers. I have seen other examples of this--most recently in the April 2008 issue of VETTE magazine where an air box fuelie (VIN 4387) appeared to have 9 fin valve covers on the unrestored engine.
I understand that there was a transition period at the factory to convert from 9 fin to 7 fin--but how long did that take ? I am contemplating writing an article for Corvette Restorer regarding this subject. Feel free to correspond with me if your '57 fuelie > VIN 2900 has 9 fin valve covers.
Mike West
I am curious as to how many other '57 fuelie owners (with original engines/valve covers) with VINs greater than 2900 also have the 9 fin valve covers. I have seen other examples of this--most recently in the April 2008 issue of VETTE magazine where an air box fuelie (VIN 4387) appeared to have 9 fin valve covers on the unrestored engine.
I understand that there was a transition period at the factory to convert from 9 fin to 7 fin--but how long did that take ? I am contemplating writing an article for Corvette Restorer regarding this subject. Feel free to correspond with me if your '57 fuelie > VIN 2900 has 9 fin valve covers.
Mike West