PF29 oil filter

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  • Don G.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1989
    • 251

    Re: PF29 oil filter

    The lettering on white PF29 and PF25 oil filters was done by a silk-screening process. The quality of this process was affected by the number of cycles a particular silk-screen had produced, the amount of ink in the reservoir, and the machine set-up such as squeegee pressure, alignment, etc. As a result, wide variation in the result is normal for this process. When a new silk-screen was installed and the proper set-up was made, the printing was usually sharp and consistent. As the silk-screen became worn and machine set-up drifted, the printing would become "fuzzy". It was also known by the operators if the oil filters were going into individual resale boxes or being shipped in bulk to assembly plants. This may have also affected visual standards since it doesn't affect filter performance.

    In summary, as a judge, I would tend to accept a rather wide variation in printing quality as "typical factory production". However, any variation in printing fonts , orientation or wording( such as bilingual) would be an indication of a reproduction or perhaps a fraudelant copy.

    However, we must keep in perspective that this level of detail is only important to the purists who want to "get it right" and preserve the historical significance. The originality points involved would rarely, if ever, result in falling short of an NCRS award.


    • Terry M.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • October 1, 1980
      • 15541

      Re: Bob, I Think You Mean...Hunnnh??!!

      I thought it was pretty funny, but then I know you well enough to understand your humor. It is kind of like my own.


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • October 1, 1980
        • 15541

        Re: Bob, I Think You Mean...Hunnnh??!!

        I thought it was pretty funny, but then I know you well enough to understand your humor. It is kind of like my own.


        • Chuck S.
          • April 1, 1992
          • 4668

          Re: Bob, I Think You Mean...Hunnnh??!!

          Whew...Thanks for that, Terry. You seemed pretty serious. I didn't know that you might forget I also belong to that species, and think I was calling YOU a monkey!


          • Chuck S.
            • April 1, 1992
            • 4668

            Re: Bob, I Think You Mean...Hunnnh??!!

            Whew...Thanks for that, Terry. You seemed pretty serious. I didn't know that you might forget I also belong to that species, and think I was calling YOU a monkey!


            • Terry M.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • October 1, 1980
              • 15541

              Re: Bob, I Think You Mean...Hunnnh??!!

              Naaa, I knew what you meant -- I was tired when I posted those, but I still knew what you were up to.

              Some day we will have to lift a few and discuss why we do what we do -- Judging I mean. I suspoect we might agree on a lot of it.


              • Terry M.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • October 1, 1980
                • 15541

                Re: Bob, I Think You Mean...Hunnnh??!!

                Naaa, I knew what you meant -- I was tired when I posted those, but I still knew what you were up to.

                Some day we will have to lift a few and discuss why we do what we do -- Judging I mean. I suspoect we might agree on a lot of it.


                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • February 1, 1988
                  • 43129

                  Re: PF29 oil filter


                  I agree. In fact, the printing on the original PF-29's I have as well as others I've seen looks a little more "fuzzy" and "crude" than that I've seen on later white PF-25's. The white background also appears "flatter" than that I've seen on many white PF-25's. I'm quite sure that there was much variation in the silk-screening on these filters. In fact, that may be why they gave up on silk-screening about 1973 or 74 and went to paper labels.
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • Joe L.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • February 1, 1988
                    • 43129

                    Re: PF29 oil filter


                    I agree. In fact, the printing on the original PF-29's I have as well as others I've seen looks a little more "fuzzy" and "crude" than that I've seen on later white PF-25's. The white background also appears "flatter" than that I've seen on many white PF-25's. I'm quite sure that there was much variation in the silk-screening on these filters. In fact, that may be why they gave up on silk-screening about 1973 or 74 and went to paper labels.
                    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                    • Don G.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • March 1, 1989
                      • 251

                      Re: PF29 oil filter

                      I believe your observation is correct that PF29's have a flatter white finish than the white PF25's. This is because the PF25's were made in a new facility utilizing white pre-coated steel that was formed into a shell while the PF29's were painted as an assembly by a electrostatic paint process. That is why the PF29's have a painted lockseam while the white PF25 has a shiny lockseam.


                      • Don G.
                        Very Frequent User
                        • March 1, 1989
                        • 251

                        Re: PF29 oil filter

                        I believe your observation is correct that PF29's have a flatter white finish than the white PF25's. This is because the PF25's were made in a new facility utilizing white pre-coated steel that was formed into a shell while the PF29's were painted as an assembly by a electrostatic paint process. That is why the PF29's have a painted lockseam while the white PF25 has a shiny lockseam.


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