location of '58 rear axle bumper brackets

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  • Steven B.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 2004
    • 256

    location of '58 rear axle bumper brackets

    It's a long shot, but can anyone who has a '58 tell me where, exactly, on the frame are the four rear axle bumper mounting brackets located. The arrows are pointing to the two brackets. One is near the top of the rear tire hump in the frame and the other is toward the front of the rear tire, but I've looked in most manuals and books I have, but can't find any measurements. Can someone physically measure the locations for me--I need to attach them to a frame where they are missing. Much appreciated and indebted. Thanks, steve

  • Ted S.
    • January 1, 1998
    • 747

    Re: location of '58 rear axle bumper brackets

    Steve, Here's a shot of the brackets on my car. I'll see if I can get some measurements and a side view shot this weekend.

    Note we need to change the direction of the bolts holding the rubber bumpers. They go up from the bottom with the nuts on top. Ted


    • Ted S.
      • January 1, 1998
      • 747

      Re: location of '58 rear axle bumper brackets

      Steve, Here's a shot of the brackets on my car. I'll see if I can get some measurements and a side view shot this weekend.

      Note we need to change the direction of the bolts holding the rubber bumpers. They go up from the bottom with the nuts on top. Ted


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