c2 pad stamp

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  • Jim C.
    • April 1, 2006
    • 290

    Re: c2 pad stamp


    Your pad would be easier to see and evaluate if you could gently remove the paint. I think there's probably some very knowledgible people in your local NCRS Chapter who could look at the pad and tell you if it's authentic and appears to be correct. Al Grenning certainly knows pads, but his "affirmation" will cost you several hundred dollars. Good luck.

    Jim C.


    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 1, 1993
      • 15501

      Re: c2 pad stamp

      Most engine paints are lacquer based. Use lacquer thinner, an old nylon bristle toothbrush, and wipe up rags to remove the paint. Paint inside the letter depressions must be removed, too, because the pad was covered during engine painting so any paint inside the character depressions is "incorrect".

      The characters look okay and if the broach marks are "typical" I would have no suspicion that the pad is anything but original.

      Once bare of paint, a coating of Armor All or WD-40 will keep the pad from rustilng.



      • Duke W.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 1, 1993
        • 15501

        Re: c2 pad stamp

        Most engine paints are lacquer based. Use lacquer thinner, an old nylon bristle toothbrush, and wipe up rags to remove the paint. Paint inside the letter depressions must be removed, too, because the pad was covered during engine painting so any paint inside the character depressions is "incorrect".

        The characters look okay and if the broach marks are "typical" I would have no suspicion that the pad is anything but original.

        Once bare of paint, a coating of Armor All or WD-40 will keep the pad from rustilng.



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