Welcome to the New NCRS Technical Discussion Board

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  • John W.
    • November 1, 1974
    • 5011

    Welcome to the New NCRS Technical Discussion Board

    The new home of the NCRS Technical Discussion Board has many new features. Take a few minutes and review the FAQ's to get an overview of the many improvements to this forum.

    Some of the issues not highlighted but important:

    Only Members can post.

    Guests are limited to viewing posts for 31 days before they must join NCRS.

    Images that you attach to posts are now uploaded to our server. They will not disappear in a few weeks. Uploading images to our server should be much easier than the process from the old TDB. Please read the FAQ about uploading images.

    Loose your password! Click on one link and you can have an email solution in a matter of minutes.

    We have also added little icons to indicate the model year(s) the thread applies to!!! Double click on the model year icon and it will sort all of the post by the icon of your choice.
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