Current Restorer Article: 3 Speed Powerglide in C2 Corvettes

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  • Roger W.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 29, 2008
    • 561

    Thanks for the explanation, Duke.



    • Joseph T.
      Infrequent User
      • December 1, 1977
      • 16

      This is Joe Tripoli, '78 Battery Comp.--To Seal or Not to Seal... I wrote the article on automatic transmissions in the latest publication of The Restorer Magazine. I am writing this post to apologize for my mistake on page 11 where I mistakenly stated that the 62-67 aluminum automatic transmissions were 3 speeds when in fact they are 2 speeds. Please accept my apology for this mistake. I have received a few e mails bringing the mistake to my attention. It reinforces my opinion that NCRS members are the most knowledgeable and observant of all Corvette owners.


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