1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

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  • Frederick H.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 1983
    • 398

    1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

    In preparation for judging in October, I installed a 590 PCV valve with new repro hose (nothing wrong with previous hose) today. It was purchased off eBay a couple months back and received in what appeared to be repro packaging. I have been using the later version 590C with no issues. After installing the 590, the idle jumped about 250RPM to 1,000. When I squirted Chemtool in the carb (needed some cleaning) and the RPM dropped, the 590 began whistling loudly at the RPM drop. I removed it and put the 590C back in and idle went back to normal with no whistling. Looks like $50 wasted unless the seller will take it back after 2 months. Just beware of repro PCV valves! I may try to do a vacuum test on it tomorrow but not expecting anything different. Other thoughts?

    Thanks in Advance,
  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1983
    • 5174

    Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie


    Other than finding out the true origin of the valve and cleaning it I would say it's just another cheap reproduction part. I think the original 590 valve can be taken apart and cleaned. The GM service replace CV590 works just fine though.


    • Frederick H.
      Very Frequent User
      • August 31, 1983
      • 398

      Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

      Yep - it rattles and doesn't appear to be stuck but sure affects the RPM and whistles. I was able to find an original (almost NOS/used very little) AC CV590 on eBay - will give that a try. Still trying to get choke adjusted - stays open - lots of good info here and in the shop manual on that.



      • Mark E.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1993
        • 4467

        Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

        Interesting mix of issues: Whistling is a symptom of a valve stuck closed, while higher idle speed is a symptom of a valve stuck open.
        Mark Edmondson
        Dallas, Texas
        Texas Chapter

        1970 Coupe, Donnybrooke Green, Light Saddle LS5 M20 A31 C60 G81 N37 N40 UA6 U79
        1993 Coupe, 40th Anniversary, 6-speed, PEG 1, FX3, CD, Bronze Top


        • Frederick H.
          Very Frequent User
          • August 31, 1983
          • 398

          Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

          Yep - that's what is strange. I may try it again without squirting the chemtool cleaner and re-check RPM.


          • Arland D.
            • July 31, 1980
            • 408

            Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie


            Since it is a 340 hp, is it safe to assume the valve is installed at a 45 degree angle? Just checkin'


            • Frederick H.
              Very Frequent User
              • August 31, 1983
              • 398

              Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

              Ah, I did not check that. At 45 degrees downward, it will put it very close to the manifold though. It's in the shop getting some things done this week - will check it out when I get it back.

              Thanks for the reminder!


              • Arland D.
                • July 31, 1980
                • 408

                Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

                AIM shows it 45 degrees upward putting it close to the air cleaner. FWIW here's a couple of pictures of mine.
                Attached Files


                • Frederick H.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • August 31, 1983
                  • 398

                  Re: 1963 340 HP CV590 PCV Valve Whistling Dixie

                  Wow -that is one clean carb - thanks for the pics.


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