Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss black? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss black?

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  • Peter R.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 19, 2011
    • 233

    Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss black?

    I can't find the answer in the '56-56 judging guide. I'm replacing the soft top on my early '57 (#646). Soft top is black. I'm restoring the frame -- I have painted it gloss black except for the header. I see no evidence of black paint on the header, but it may have been "restored" in the past and left unpainted.

    Thanks for any help.

    1954 Corvette #814
    1957 Corvette #646 -- FI, 3-speed
  • Gary C.
    • October 1, 1982
    • 17457

    Re: Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss blac


    Attached is a photo of a 1957 Bowtie Corvette softtop header bar.

    Do not have a photo of an original 1956 header bar.

    Softtop Front Bow-1957 Bowtie Corvette_072124.jpg
    NCRS Texas Chapter



    • Peter R.
      Very Frequent User
      • June 19, 2011
      • 233

      Re: Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss blac

      Thanks very much, Gary. That answers the question.



      1954 Corvette #814
      1957 Corvette #646 -- FI, 3-speed


      • Chris S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • December 31, 1999
        • 1064

        Re: Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss blac

        I have #336 in the shop and the header is black
        1954 Corvette #3803 - Top Flight 2012, Bloomington Gold 2012,
        Triple Diamond Award 2012, Gold Concourse Award 2012, Regional and National Top Flight 2014
        1954 Corvette #3666 - "The Blue Devil" - Pennant Blue - restoration started
        1957 Corvette - FI 3 sp - Black and Silver


        • Steven B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 30, 1982
          • 3949

          Re: Early 1957 soft top front header color -- natural stainless or painted gloss blac

          My mid December 1956 assembled 57 has a black header. Frame finish is original and original fabric was replaced in Summer 1965.


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