1956/57 Heater Hose 90 degree copper Elbow - NCRS Discussion Boards

1956/57 Heater Hose 90 degree copper Elbow

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  • Sheldon S.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1999
    • 470

    1956/57 Heater Hose 90 degree copper Elbow

    I am wondering if anyone makes a good copper elbow for the heater hose where it goes through firewall. I ordered one from supplier and I am worried the hose will not stay on as there is no rib on each end to help hold it. Also one end on this one is squeezed thinner from the bending tool so its really loose on the hose.

  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11258

    Re: 1956/57 Heater Hose 90 degree copper Elbow


    I've actually made my own "ridges" by soldering a #12 copper wire about 1/8" from the edge, around the entire perimeters.


    • Sheldon S.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 28, 1999
      • 470

      Re: 1956/57 Heater Hose 90 degree copper Elbow

      Thanks Richard, tried this a couple nights ago and worked really good.


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