Weatherstrip orientation

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  • Frank C.
    Frequent User
    • March 1, 1977
    • 58

    Weatherstrip orientation

    When I removed my old weatherstrip from my trunk I paid attention to where the joint was. However not to was the bulb toward the outside of the trunk or the inside. Was A toward the oPhoto_2024-04-29_160015.jpgutside of the trunk, or B? Help, please. Frank Condron
  • Rod K.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 1, 1990
    • 438

    Re: Weatherstrip orientation

    Believe "A" would go towards outer edge of trunk with the large radius to the right of "adhesive surface" fitting into the radius at the base of the inner reinforcement rib panel of the trunk lid.

    I have a question for you. If your weatherstrip is original can you provide a measurement from the adhesive surface perpendicular to the top of "B" from a relatively undamaged section? I'm trying to confirm correctness of repro W/S vs original. Thanks for your help.


    • Frank C.
      Frequent User
      • March 1, 1977
      • 58

      Re: Weatherstrip orientation

      Thank you Rod. My w/s is original. It has the 'S' in the square logo. I know it's been on the car since at least 1968 when it was painted. The right side upturn in the above scan is a result of many years in place. Originally the right side of the above scan would have been almost perpendicular to the adhesive surface.
      I tried to measure where this and other distortion was less severe. Multiple measurements were between 5/8" and 3/4". Thanks again. Frank


      • Rod K.
        Very Frequent User
        • April 1, 1990
        • 438

        Re: Weatherstrip orientation

        Thanks, Frank. Exactly what I needed.


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