67 marlboro maroon paint question

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  • John H.
    Frequent User
    • August 1, 1985
    • 62

    67 marlboro maroon paint question

    Hey guys,
    I need some advise and or direction regarding my 67 conv. We are removing the body to paint in 988 MM. My painter thought he had PPG lacquer secured for the job but now is telling me that he can no longer get the paint. I will be having the car judged for TF so the paint is important to me. I've read most everything that I can find on the paint and have the latest JG. I talked to TCP Global and they say they can mix OEM MM lacquer but I've read about the metallic pigment size and problem. My painter is getting gun shy about spraying lacquer and wants to spray a base coat with clear.

    Can correct MM lacquer still be sourced and where?
    Has anyone recently painted a MM car that has passed TF judging without point loss?
    Would anyone be willing to talk to my painter about acceptable paint alternatives to lacquer?
    Thanks in advance.
    John Harp
    (9049) 417-425-7599
    KC Chapter member
  • James G.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 23, 2018
    • 783

    Re: 67 marlboro maroon paint question

    It can be done in lacquer the problem with TCP is that they will not sell you additional metallics or toners so you can get the mix EXACTLY correct. You can get TCP lacquer clear - and buy the toners which will mix in with TCP or ANY QUALITY lacquer clear, I have done this to mix lacquer to touch up survivors a number of times/ however neither supplier is going to warranty the products.

    It can be done in Base coat- clear coat without deduction, however your painter is going to have to be amenable to doing some mixing and a couple of spray outs- as well as boxing the color/clear and adding FLATTENER to the final coats of clear.
    IF you have a good section of original paint for a scan, EVEN a large sample from the DEALER ALBUM if it was well preserved will serve as a start.

    I have my AXALTA jobber scan the color, color correct for original mix and then drop 25% of the metal flake.
    Taking a ***couple of different metallics*** with me to color correct the mix and perfect it.
    ***one to lighten direct - lighten 45 deg side shift- one to darken direct - darken 45 deg. one lighten direct and darken 45 deg
    I will shoot one at -25% one at 20% one at 18%
    Then send the samples out to the NCRS national paint judges for input.
    Correct if needed and resend samples.
    James A Groome
    1971 LT1 11130 - https://photos.app.goo.gl/zSoFz24JMPXw5Ffi9 - the black LT1
    1971 LT1 21783 - 3 STAR Preservation.- https://photos.app.goo.gl/wMRDJgmyDyAwc9Nh8 - Brandshatch Green LT1
    My first gen Camaro research http://www.camaros.org/forum/index.p...owposts;u=4337
    Posts on Yenko boards... https://www.yenko.net/forum/search.php?searchid=826453


    • Peter G.
      Very Frequent User
      • October 1, 1992
      • 134

      Re: 67 marlboro maroon paint question


      You should check with Tim Thorpe: http://www.thorpesbodyandcorvetteshop.com/
      He worked with the original paint supplier for the Corvette factory to get the correct color and metallic content.
      His work with this color has been judged for years.

      Originally posted by John Harp (9049)
      Hey guys,
      I need some advise and or direction regarding my 67 conv. We are removing the body to paint in 988 MM. My painter thought he had PPG lacquer secured for the job but now is telling me that he can no longer get the paint. I will be having the car judged for TF so the paint is important to me. I've read most everything that I can find on the paint and have the latest JG. I talked to TCP Global and they say they can mix OEM MM lacquer but I've read about the metallic pigment size and problem. My painter is getting gun shy about spraying lacquer and wants to spray a base coat with clear.

      Can correct MM lacquer still be sourced and where?
      Has anyone recently painted a MM car that has passed TF judging without point loss?
      Would anyone be willing to talk to my painter about acceptable paint alternatives to lacquer?
      Thanks in advance.
      John Harp
      (9049) 417-425-7599
      KC Chapter member
      Dr. Pete


      • Terry M.
        Very Frequent User
        • December 1, 2005
        • 167



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