1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont. - NCRS Discussion Boards

1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont.

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  • Kevin S.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 4, 2011
    • 241

    1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont.

    Not sure of the protocol, whether to start a new thread or continue with the restoration question thread I had started a couple of weeks ago regarding my spare tire tub? Decided to start a new thread specific to correctly bucking the v-strap rivets. Need a close-up photo of the head and the tail of NCRS correctly installed rivets to secure the v-strap to the lower spare tire tub. Or, photos of a 1969 OEM spare tire tub with close-ups of the head and tail of the rivets to secure the v-strap showing the correct "dome" look.

    Back story on my tub:
    Bought this tub on Corvette Forum couple of years ago. Found out from previous NCRS Tech Discussion posting, that someone previously removed the v-strap. When the v-strap was reinstalled, they used the wrong (hollow) rivets, wrong size rivets, and they installed them upside down. I removed the v-strap, ordered new rivets, bought a cheap air hammer from Harbour Freight, bought 6 pcs air pneumatic tools to set the rivets, bought a 2 lb. bucking tool, sandblasted and painted the v-strap since it was off the tub, wet sanded and matt clear coated the inside and outside of the spare tire tub. Looks nice. Now that all the crud is removed from the inside and outside of the tub, you can see where someone used a grinding tool to cut the heads and tails off the rivets, damaging both the inside fiberglass tub and the v-strap where the old rivets were located. Just wonderful.

    I am attaching photos from an aftermarket spare tub that I have in my attic, showing the head and tail rivet details. Also from previous NCRS Tech Discussion posting, I learned that the rivets should have a "domed" look. I am assuming the dome shape is on the tail? I have a manual domed rivet punch from Corvette Central I can use to creat the dome once I buck the tail of the rivet flat and tight to hold the v-strap secure...guess I could also use one of the dome tools from the 6 pcs rivet setting set too - just to finish the look of the tail.

    My first time setting solid rivets. I'm not a mechanic, not a professional restorer. Just a retired dude who likes learning new DIY things. I'll grab my neighbor to help me hold the tub while I buck the rivets. I have looked at 3-4 "how to" videos on-line for setting solid rivets.

    Attached Files
  • Larry E.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • November 30, 1989
    • 1635

    Re: 1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont.

    The only place I know of to get the proper GM rivets is
    Through Dr. Rebuild. If you search this board most of
    Your questions will be given, Thanks Larry

    LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


    • Gary B.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 31, 1979
      • 926

      Re: 1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont.

      If you have bought the 68-69 TIM&JG, look at Fig. Ch 10.1 and it will show you the correct configuration. They are typically not mushroomed over like a normal rivet. I took at picture a few minutes ago of a 69 carrier I have in the shop, see below.

      2024-01-21 14.21.49.jpg

      I took a rivet tool for a air powered hammer, and modified the end to replicate this. I have an old, well before I was born, South Bend Model "A" lathe and turned a dimple on the end of the tool to replicate (maybe not perfectly) the rivet head when they are upset, smooshed, whatever word you want to use.

      2024-01-21 14.23.00.jpg

      You can buy 3/16" and 7/16" soft aluminum rivets from most of the vendors. Corvette Central sells bags of 50, but they bags of 6 for $2.70. You'll probably ruin several before you get the knack of doing it.

      2024-01-21 14.23.09.jpg

      This style of rivet tool will leave a mushroom head. You can modify this tool to duplicate the one shown above.

      Hope this helps.
      Gary Bosselman


      • Kevin S.
        Very Frequent User
        • January 4, 2011
        • 241

        Re: 1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont.

        Hey Gary,
        That does help. Thanks for the photos and suggestions. I don't have a lathe so I'll have to do a little noodling to get the same result with the tools that I do have. I should be able to get the mushroom tail end with the 2 lb. heal/toe bucking tool and then use a modified (altered) rivet set tool to add the circular recess in the middle of the tail. I do have a manual punch that I could trial & error too to maybe manually put the center recess in the tail after I get the mushroom first step.

        I have 24 Corvette Central rivets to play with.



        • Kevin S.
          Very Frequent User
          • January 4, 2011
          • 241

          Re: 1969 Spare Tire Tub Restoration - cont.

          Hi Larry,
          I will check out Dr. Rebuild rivets. Thanks for the suggestion.



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