How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected - NCRS Discussion Boards

How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

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  • Michael L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 14, 2006
    • 1387

    How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected


    I've had a bit of a tough time keeping my clock working in my '69. Last year when the battery died it was a couple of months before I noticed and by then the clock had stopped working. When I spoke to the guys who restored the clock for me he said that that happens whenever the clock isn't connected to power. Appaently, the "points" in it can "fuse" IIRC. Since I sent it back to be fixed it's worked without any trouble for the last year or so. Problem is I need to replace my current battery and complete the resoration of the battery storage area which may take a few hours. Is the clock at risk of failing again with this short disconnect? What can I do to prevent this from happening?

  • Leif A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 31, 1997
    • 3583

    Re: How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

    Disconnecting your battery/removing power from your clock is not what is causing it to fail. Most all of us have a battery disconnect switch on our cars so that no current is passing through the wires when the car is not being used...whether, simply overnight or for extended periods of time. Clock failure is not an issue because of this practice. If anything, your clock will last longer being disconnected because it's not constantly getting the points "zapped" to rewind the clock.
    '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
    Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


    • Michael L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 14, 2006
      • 1387

      Re: How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

      Thanks Leif. That's good to know. I must have misunderstood the guy when I talked to him after the clock failed.


      • Kurt K.
        Very Frequent User
        • June 30, 2004
        • 192

        Re: How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

        I understand if the battery is not disconnected and the battery voltage drops really low, the coil that pulls the points open in the clock will not have enough strength to open the points and they will burn. This likely is what happened when your battery went bad.


        • James G.
          Very Frequent User
          • August 22, 2018
          • 783

          Re: How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

          Kurt, this is exactly what happens, the clock draws the least amps on the system so it will run until the battery doesn't have enough power to auto wind the clock, then the contacts arc together and won't jump open and wind when a new battery is installed, sometimes it only takes a thump or tap on the gauge face with your finger to get them to jump open, sometimes they are stuck until the clock is serviced.
          James A Groome
          1971 LT1 11130 - - the black LT1
          1971 LT1 21783 - 3 STAR Preservation.- - Brandshatch Green LT1
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          • Tom M.
            Frequent User
            • October 31, 1995
            • 86

            Re: How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

            Adding to Leif’s comment, by using the battery disconnect my ‘69 clock has gone 25 years since repair. And, batteries last a loooong time.


            • Michael L.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • December 14, 2006
              • 1387

              Re: How to avoid clock failure when battery needs to be disconnected

              Thanks for the info guys. I'll try to avoid battery failure in the future but good to know I can disconnect the battery when needed without worrying.



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