Early 1966 Caliper Mounts--Earliest stamping date

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  • John B.
    Infrequent User
    • December 1, 2002
    • 9

    Early 1966 Caliper Mounts--Earliest stamping date

    Hi everyone:

    I have a question about the stampings on my early 1966 caliper mounts/support brackets. I read in the 1966 Judging Guide that that the early mounts were unstamped, although there was a transition period to stamped brackets from October to December 1965. Sometimes a car would have a mixed set with one of each type.

    I wondered if anyone knew the earliest example of a car with at least one marked bracket. I have an early October car and have one bracket of each--one marked and one unmarked. Both have been painted black and I'm not sure yet if they are repros--they look pretty new to me (albeit with black paint) although the bolts look pretty old. Thanks.
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