2023 NCRS Board of Directors Election

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  • Lawrence C.
    Frequent User
    • February 1, 1999
    • 51

    2023 NCRS Board of Directors Election

    As Secretary to the NCRS Board of Directors I oversee the annual election of Directors to the Board. Each year Directors are elected for three of the nine NCRS Regions. 2023 elections for 3-year terms on the Board are for:

    Region VII
    Bill Mulder
    Tony Stein

    Region VIII
    Mike Doty
    Dan Johnson

    Region IX
    Mike Ingham

    This Friday, September 1st, voting opens for this year's election. Voting closes at midnight on Tuesday, October 10th.

    I am posting this thread to urge all of you in Regions VII, VIII, or IX to vote for the person who will represent you on the NCRS Board of Directors for the next three years.

    It is very simple, quick, and secure to vote online. If you don't want to vote online, please mail me your vote on the ballot in the Driveline. I will make sure it gets correctly posted for your candidate!

    Thanks in advance for making the effort to vote!

    The link for the voting page is here

    National Corvette Restorers Society dedicated to the restoration, preservation, history and enjoyment of Corvettes made during the model years 1953 through 1999. If you are buying or restoring a Corvette do yourself a favor and join. Join and Learn.
    Last edited by Vinnie P.; September 2, 2023, 04:32 PM.
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