66 BB power steering valve replace. - NCRS Discussion Boards

66 BB power steering valve replace.

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  • Richard E.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1989
    • 247

    66 BB power steering valve replace.

    I plan to replace a leaking power steering valve on a 66-427 in the near future. The task appears straight forward, but if anyone has a hint or things to consider, I would appreciate hearing of your experience. I have acquired install instructions from a few sources, including those furnished with the new unit. I note per AIM N40 4, that there is a 0.06-0.12 gap between the steering arm and valve unit once the valve is fastened. What is the purpose of this gap and is it critical? Appreciate any helpful hints. Thanks in advance for the assistance.
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 66 BB power steering valve replace.

    Originally posted by Richard Edquist (16402)
    I plan to replace a leaking power steering valve on a 66-427 in the near future. The task appears straight forward, but if anyone has a hint or things to consider, I would appreciate hearing of your experience. I have acquired install instructions from a few sources, including those furnished with the new unit. I note per AIM N40 4, that there is a 0.06-0.12 gap between the steering arm and valve unit once the valve is fastened. What is the purpose of this gap and is it critical? Appreciate any helpful hints. Thanks in advance for the assistance.

    Just to be clear, the clearance you described is between the valve and the relay rod, not the steering arm. I believe the purpose for this instruction is to indicate that the valve is not "screwed down tight" to the relay rod which might seem like the intuitive thing to do. Also, at this clearance the retaining bolt should be able to be installed without interference.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Richard E.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 30, 1989
      • 247

      Re: 66 BB power steering valve replace.

      Thanks much Joe. Yes, I should have stated relay rod vs. steering arm. Retaining bolt clearance makes sense as I think there is a small 'flat spot" machined into the bottom of the relay rod specifically to accommodate the retaining bolt.


      • John F.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 23, 2008
        • 2391

        Re: 66 BB power steering valve replace.

        There are a few You-tube videos on rebuilding the power steering on your own.


        • Richard E.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 30, 1989
          • 247

          Re: 66 BB power steering valve replace.

          Thanks John,
          I will look into the You-tube videos.


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