1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal - NCRS Discussion Boards

1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal

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  • Ray K.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 2005
    • 384

    1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal

    Can any recommend and/or know what type of "two-sided" tape was used to attach the upper radiator support to hood seal?
    Since my original seal is still in "great shape" (minus the tape) and looking at reproduction part the seal is of a "different" composite and opted not to put it on my "originally" owner '71 &LT1.

    Does anyone know what kind of two-sided tape was used and if it's available and/or a suitable replacement that's not too thick?
    Here are photos of my original and the reproduction seal.

    71 Vette - Radiator Support to Hood Seal - OEM Plan View - 12Aug23.jpg71 Vette - Radiator Support to Hood Seal - OEM Material Plan View - 12Aug23.jpg71 Vette - Radiator Support to Hood Seal - OEM Bottom View - 12Aug23.jpg

    Ray K (#43777)
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal

    Originally posted by Ray Krawczyk (43777)
    Can any recommend and/or know what type of "two-sided" tape was used to attach the upper radiator support to hood seal?
    Since my original seal is still in "great shape" (minus the tape) and looking at reproduction part the seal is of a "different" composite and opted not to put it on my "originally" owner '71 &LT1.

    Does anyone know what kind of two-sided tape was used and if it's available and/or a suitable replacement that's not too thick?
    Here are photos of my original and the reproduction seal.


    Ray K (#43777)


    Conventional two-sided tape was not used. A pressure sensitive adhesive was applied directly to the insulation. The reproductions from Dr. Rebuild have the adhesive pre-applied, as original.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Ray K.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 30, 2005
      • 384



      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • January 31, 1988
        • 43160

        Re: 1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal

        Originally posted by Ray Krawczyk (43777)
        Thanks Joe . . .
        I definitely want to put my original seal “back on.”
        would you “by chance” have an “off the shelf” pressure sensitive sealer that you can recommend?
        Ray K

        I'm surprised that your original is in pristine enough condition for re-installation. At a minimum, this type of foam insulation usually significantly hardens over time and 50 years is a lot of time for it to harden. However, you could use judiciously applied 3M Super Weatherstrip Adhesive to re-attach.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Mike E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 28, 1975
          • 5115

          Re: 1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal

          I would use black 3M weatherstrip very carefully, and it would be unnoticeable.


          • Ray K.
            Very Frequent User
            • April 30, 2005
            • 384

            Re: 1971 &LT1: Upper Radiator Support to Hood Seal

            Joe & Mike,

            Joe, I'm the original owner of my '71 and the seal has been "well taken care of" and shows no deterioration on any side.
            And the difference in the repro, is very noticeable.

            Joe & Mike,
            Thanks for the recommendation.
            I'll take a look at the 3M product(s) and be very careful in its application. . . . . .
            Ray K


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