Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem - NCRS Discussion Boards

Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

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  • Jim A.
    Frequent User
    • September 20, 2019
    • 52

    Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem


    My 68 327/350 convertable decided to get about 2 gal of water in the gas tank. It was parked outside (My apologies) during a bad rainstorm. I found a service update early 1969 referancing the condition. The bulletin sited the drain tube as the culpret saying that if it got blocked the water could pool and seep in throught the gas cap. But no real suggestions on a fix.

    Anyone got idea's ????
  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 31, 1992
    • 15524

    Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

    Try blowing it out with compressed air.



    • Jim A.
      Frequent User
      • September 20, 2019
      • 52

      Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

      Thanks Duke. that was my first thought. The tube appears to be clear.


      • Stephen L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 31, 1984
        • 3146

        Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

        Are you talking about clearing the drain tube or getting the water out of the tank?
        Sounds like you need to completely drain the tank, refill with a couple of gallons of gas and pour in some HEET to adsorb the remaining water......drain the tank again and refill with more gas. Then take it out and drive it like you stole it!!!!!


        • Owen L.
          Very Frequent User
          • September 30, 1991
          • 815

          Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

          Originally posted by Jim Arcuri (66353)
          Thanks Duke. that was my first thought. The tube appears to be clear.
          With the hose confirmed open, do you see the end of it exiting below the rear filler panel? After the compressed air, have you poured water in the filler neck rubber cup to test it draining out easily? If it weren't such a pain to get to, I'd say just replace the hose.

          How tightly does the cap fit on the filler neck?


          • Jim A.
            Frequent User
            • September 20, 2019
            • 52

            Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

            Thx Owen.... I haddan't thought of that, just figured it had to be working I will test the theory tonight


            • Jim A.
              Frequent User
              • September 20, 2019
              • 52

              Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

              thx Stephen,

              All done, drove it like a raped ape all weekend. No apparant remaining problem. But, it hasn't rained here yet.


              • Mark E.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • March 31, 1993
                • 4468

                Re: Okay Boy's advice please 68 Convertable fuel problem

                Stop parking it in the rain. It's also likely the birdcage, frame rails and rear compartment are wet from leaks in all the common places. I don't even run a hose on my C3 anymore.
                Mark Edmondson
                Dallas, Texas
                Texas Chapter

                1970 Coupe, Donnybrooke Green, Light Saddle LS5 M20 A31 C60 G81 N37 N40 UA6 U79
                1993 Coupe, 40th Anniversary, 6-speed, PEG 1, FX3, CD, Bronze Top


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