C1 upper steering column bearing install help - NCRS Discussion Boards

C1 upper steering column bearing install help

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  • Jason P.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 6, 2023
    • 207

    C1 upper steering column bearing install help

    Trying to put the upper steering column bearing in my 58 and it wont slide in. Do you have to press this in or is there some kind of trick here?

  • Dan B.
    • July 13, 2011
    • 545

    Re: C1 upper steering column bearing install help

    A piece of pipe or large socket can be used to tap the bearing in. A little liquid soap solution around the rubber will ease the process.


    • Jason P.
      Very Frequent User
      • April 6, 2023
      • 207

      Re: C1 upper steering column bearing install help

      Thanks. I'm assuming that the wire lead that comes off the bearing goes through the column and comes out the hole in the bottom of the column. Is that correct?


      • Richard M.
        Super Moderator
        • August 31, 1988
        • 11249

        Re: C1 upper steering column bearing install help

        Originally posted by Jason Pearce (70257)
        Thanks. I'm assuming that the wire lead that comes off the bearing goes through the column and comes out the hole in the bottom of the column. Is that correct?
        Yes, along with the directional switch flat wire harness. Ensure no wires get pinched when you install the metal clamp.

        After bearing is installed, also remember to install the split ring over the shaft to eliminate the sideplay of the bearing inner race.





        • Jason P.
          Very Frequent User
          • April 6, 2023
          • 207

          Re: C1 upper steering column bearing install help

          Thanks for the info, Richard.

          My next question is how does the directional switch flat wire harness get installed with the wires going through the steering column and coming out the hole in the bottom of the column when there is no room for wires to bypass once the upper bearing is installed?

          I looked at it if I install the
          directional switch flat wire harness first then the bearing or the other way around and there is no room for the wires to go around the bearing. I hope this makes sense.

          Also, does anyone know where I can find the
          split ring? My steering column didn't have the upper bearing or anything else attached at the top when I inherited it from my father. I Googled for it and it looks like this is one of those parts that are not produced anymore.

          Here is a pic of what I am trying to inquire about with the upper bearing and the flat wire harness:


          Thanks again.



          • Richard M.
            Super Moderator
            • August 31, 1988
            • 11249

            Re: C1 upper steering column bearing install help


            Harness.... There's a hole in the column just under and aft of the bearing. Pass the harness through that, (from outside to inside) then out the hole further down where it gets clamped. It'll be covered by the wheel hub later. Harness will be in parallel with the shaft so form and flatten it so it'll avoid contact with the shaft.

            Split ring.... Correct, no one sells them. You can make one from your old bearing inner race using a Dremel cutoff disk.

            Stock Split ring is hardened steel.
            The inner race is hardened steel too.

            Break the old bearing apart. Save the inner race. Lower part in photo below.

            Using the Dremel with a cutoff wheel, slice the race along it's perimeter to make it the same depth as the originally shown split ring. Then cut a slot in it to make the opening for it's "spring" effect. The inner race is hardened steel just like the split ring.

            Orig left.... Inner race right

            The ring lower perimeter should fit over the inner race to capture it to the shaft when the shaft spring and wheel hub are installed.

            This removes shaft side play.

            Last edited by Richard M.; August 6, 2023, 05:59 PM.


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