Power Steering Kits being judged - NCRS Discussion Boards

Power Steering Kits being judged

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  • Gerald C.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1987
    • 1265

    Power Steering Kits being judged

    Are there any deductions for these power steering kits being installed on a C2? Which vendor makes the most authentic kits?
  • Scott P.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 30, 1992
    • 175

    Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

    Gerald, I cant answer either question but I can tell you what I have seen to watch out for, or to make sure your parts are year specific to your Car.
    Many of the PS kits use drag links from C3, more of them available and cheaper than midyears. The C3 drag link is larger than the C2.
    The pump cans are different. Pulleys are different. The PSSC frame mount can be wrong.
    Its not easy being a C2 and wanting what you could have come with. 68 PS parts can be the same as C2.
    You might check the JG to see if your steering arms need the aluminum rivets in the unused tie rod holes. Or maybe look in the AIM for your year.
    Last edited by Scott P.; August 8, 2023, 06:53 PM.


    • Gerald C.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 1987
      • 1265

      Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

      Thanks Scott. I'll be aware of these discrepancies.


      • Gary J.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1980
        • 1226

        Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

        The original hoses are single crimp.


        • Leif A.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 31, 1997
          • 3583

          Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

          Originally posted by Gary Jaynes (3503)
          The original hoses are single crimp.
          It has been my understanding that the absence of single crimp power steering hoses and single crimp brake hoses is no longer a deductible item in judging (being as they are a safety item and no longer obtainable). Can anyone confirm?
          '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
          Top Flight 2017 Lone Star Regional


          • Don H.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 30, 1981
            • 1473

            Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

            Yes, I know brake hoses are not judged (safety) but I am not sure about PS hoses.


            • Joseph T.
              Very Frequent User
              • February 28, 1986
              • 169

              Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

              Power steering hoses are a judged item. If the hoses are not single crimp then it warrants a deduction. Not so much of a safety concern having single crimp PS hoses.


              • Gary B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • January 31, 1997
                • 6904

                Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

                Originally posted by Don Heckenberg (5190)
                Yes, I know brake hoses are not judged (safety) but I am not sure about PS hoses.


                • Don H.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • November 30, 1981
                  • 1473

                  Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

                  You are right, I should have qualified the statement. I judge C-1 Chassis (why I didn't know about PS hose) and suggest to owners that they remove the DOT writing when reviewing sheets.
                  Don H.


                  • Joe L.
                    Beyond Control Poster
                    • January 31, 1988
                    • 43160

                    Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

                    Originally posted by Scott Pfuehler (20940)
                    Gerald, I cant answer either question but I can tell you what I have seen to watch out for, or to make sure your parts are year specific to your Car.
                    Many of the PS kits use drag links from C3, more of them available and cheaper than midyears. The C3 drag link is larger than the C2.
                    The pump cans are different. Pulleys are different. The PSSC frame mount can be wrong.
                    Its not easy being a C2 and wanting what you could have come with. 68 PS parts can be the same as C2.
                    You might check the JG to see if your steering arms need the aluminum rivets in the unused tie rod holes. Or maybe look in the AIM for your year.

                    C2 small block power steering systems are essentially the same as 1968-74 C3 small block except for the change in relay rod diameter beginning in 1969. The pulley systems for 250-300HP applications were essentially the same and the pulley systems for SHP applications (L-79, L-46, LT-1, and L-82) essentially the same. Power steering pumps were essentially identical with only minor revisions to the reservoir over the 1963-74 period. Pump mounting brackets were essentially the same over the entire 1963-74 period. Control valves were the same. Frame bracket was the same.

                    The same essentially holds true for big block power steering systems over the 1965-74 period. The pulley systems were identical except that all 1965-67 and all 1968-74 SHP used a cast iron balancer pulley whereas most 1968-74 L-36, LS-5 and LS-4 used a stamped steel balancer pulley (the cast iron and stamped steel pulleys are functionally interchangeable, though). The pumps were the same as small block with minor revisions to the reservoir over the period. Mounting systems were essentially the same over the entire period. Control valves and frame bracket the same and the same as small blocks.

                    As far as the relay rods go and as I mentioned above, there is a difference between 1963-68 and 1969+. As far as which one to use on a car, if one is after strict originality and "chasing points", I suppose the 3/4" 1963-68 rod is the way to go for 1963-68 cars. However, you don't suppose that GM went to the 7/8" bar for 1969 and later as well as 1963-68 SERVICE because the 3/4" bar was just as good, do you? I don't.
                    Last edited by Joe L.; August 9, 2023, 10:16 AM.
                    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                    • Scott P.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • April 30, 1992
                      • 175

                      Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

                      Joe, Pumps for the SB had press on pulleys which are sheet metal pulleys so the shaft is straight for an interference fit.
                      Pumps for the BB had keyed shafts and the shaft was tapered to accept a key and a nut holding the Cast Iron pulley on.
                      There was at least two styles of pump reservoir, one with a round, tall neck, the other more of a box and a short neck.
                      The hoses to the pump were different where the high pressure hose bolts to the back of the pump. Three different styles here. BB, SB till 78 or so and then 78 or so to 82.
                      Without being able to identify the differences but I will find the different frame brackets and provide pics.
                      There was lots of changes to suspension components thru the years, always being heavier and better for the heavier Corvette they were on.
                      The relay rod was one of those.
                      When we autocrossed midyears that relay rod was one of the first things we changed out. Because it was probably better/stronger.

                      The Gentlemans question was to do with, could he get a good representation of an original PS system.
                      From what I see the catalog folks do not supply such a system.


                      • Joe L.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • January 31, 1988
                        • 43160

                        Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

                        Originally posted by Scott Pfuehler (20940)
                        Joe, Pumps for the SB had press on pulleys which are sheet metal pulleys so the shaft is straight for an interference fit.
                        Pumps for the BB had keyed shafts and the shaft was tapered to accept a key and a nut holding the Cast Iron pulley on.
                        There was at least two styles of pump reservoir, one with a round, tall neck, the other more of a box and a short neck.
                        The hoses to the pump were different where the high pressure hose bolts to the back of the pump. Three different styles here. BB, SB till 78 or so and then 78 or so to 82.
                        Without being able to identify the differences but I will find the different frame brackets and provide pics.
                        There was lots of changes to suspension components thru the years, always being heavier and better for the heavier Corvette they were on.
                        The relay rod was one of those.
                        When we autocrossed midyears that relay rod was one of the first things we changed out. Because it was probably better/stronger.

                        The Gentlemans question was to do with, could he get a good representation of an original PS system.
                        From what I see the catalog folks do not supply such a system.

                        ALL 1963-74 Corvette power steering pumps, small block and big block, were equipped with pumps with a tapered shaft and a special locking retaining nut for the pulley. NO 1963-74 pumps were equipped with a straight shaft utilizing a pressed-on pulley and no retaining nut. That style pump was first used for the 1975 model year.

                        Pump pulleys for 1963-70 small blocks with base engine or 300 HP were single groove stamped steel and retained by the special nut described above. Pump pulleys for all 1963-70 with SHP (except 1965 L-79 with C-60) and ALL 1971-74 were single groove cast iron and also retained by the special nut. ALL big blocks were fitted with a 2 groove cast iron pump pulley retained by the special nut.

                        All 1963-74 Corvette power steering pumps, small block or big block, were fitted with the long neck reservoir. There were several variations of this style pump over the 1963-74 period but the physical differences were minor.

                        Power steering pumps with the straight shaft and short neck ("tear drop") reservoirs were first used on Corvettes for the 1975 model year. These pumps used the press on, single groove, stamped steel pulley. The same, basic pulley was used for all 1975-82 applications although there were 2 part numbers (GM #346289 for 1975-81 and GM #14023175 for 1982).

                        The frame bracket used for 1963 was GM #3832131 and the frame bracket used for 1982 was GM #3832131. And, that same frame bracket was used for every other year between 1963 and 1982.

                        I'm quite sure that most of the major Corvette vendors can supply power steering conversion kits with the correct components for any particular year although there might be nuances of "incorrectness"
                        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                        • Joe L.
                          Beyond Control Poster
                          • January 31, 1988
                          • 43160

                          Re: Power Steering Kits being judged

                          Originally posted by Gary Jaynes (3503)
                          The original hoses are single crimp.

                          Not just the original PRODUCTION power steering hoses. With one exception, the GM SERVICE power steering hoses once available under the original part numbers were single crimp until they were finally discontinued without supercession. The exception was the return hose. Although available in SERVICE under the original part number, later examples were double crimped.
                          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                          • Joe L.
                            Beyond Control Poster
                            • January 31, 1988
                            • 43160

                            Re: Power Steering Kits being judged


                            By the way, there was another semi-unique feature of 63-73 Corvette power steering pumps. This feature was also used in many 1961-65 Chevrolet cars, some later Chevelles with 396, and some series 10 thru 30 trucks. These pumps had a reservoir which included an internal power steering filter and replaceable element. The filter was discontinued from SERVICE in January,1981 and the element discontinued in December, 1981.

                            So, when was the last time that anyone with a 1963-73 Corvette with original power steering pump replaced their power steering pump filter element?
                            In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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