57 Question

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  • Thomas F.
    • November 11, 2008
    • 204

    57 Question

    I recently purchased a 57 Corvette and after removing the carpet I noticed a large access panel on the floor above the transmission area. It was held in place with several screws around the edges but when I removed the screws I could not remove the panel. It was either wielded in place or stuck in place with some very strong sealer. The assembly manual I have does not show any such access panel. Does anyone have any information about this.
  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • September 1, 1988
    • 11243

    Re: 57 Question

    Thomas, See AIM Section A Sheet 3. The large cover was screwed in but also likely had sealer applied as the smaller cover did.

    Here is a '56 project I once owned showing the cover removed. It was off when I acquired it.
    You may have to use a thin chisel/putty knife to break through the sealer.
    Note there is also a semicircular metal reinforcement near the rear joint undercar. This was a safety cover in case the driveshaft broke free from its U-Joint. This reinforcement is not shown in the AIM.

    Here's a better view under a '59. Same part. It's riveted in.


    • Thomas F.
      • November 11, 2008
      • 204

      Re: 57 Question

      Thank you so much Richard. Don't know how I missed this page in my AIM. I looked through it several times. Guess I just had a senior moment. I hope removal of this panel will give me easy access to my Hurst Shifter to replace the shifter rod bushings and maybe the shifter itself if I decide to do so. The way the frame of the car is made makes it hard to access the shift linkage especially the rod bushings on the rear end. I also noticed that some of the rods do not have room for any bushings. Maybe I have some parts here that are not correct. Anyway thanks again for your speedy reply. You have helped make my day.


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