C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ? - NCRS Discussion Boards

C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

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  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 30, 2007
    • 524

    C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

    C4 convertibles had a clear vinyl applied to the fiberglass convertible top cover to protect the paint from damage caused by being rubbed by the rubber molding on the convertible top assembly. Looks like the 3M clear vinyl used for rock chip protection used on so many cars today- is anybody reproducing that clear vinyl ? Mine appears to have been removed sometime over the years, 1994 convertible THANKS
  • Bob B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 30, 2007
    • 524

    Re: C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

    I was told this may be a static cling clear vinyl material- anybody got anything here ? THANKS


    • Stewart L.
      Very Frequent User
      • February 29, 1980
      • 350

      Re: C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

      Zip has the static cling clear vinyl for Mid years, check them out, they may have C4 also. If not a shop that does XPEL or 3m chip protect could custom make a strip for you.


      • Bob B.
        Very Frequent User
        • January 30, 2007
        • 524

        Re: C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

        I got the "static cling " vinyl strip, as advertised -it will protect your rear deck BUT there is no way it will score well for Flight Judging. As was stated this is a spot somebody that does "car wraps" with good 3M machine or similar product could make a proper vinyl piece similar to what the factory installed. ANYBODY listening ??
        This a issue with the newer cars getting restored or freshened- Chevrolet is not making the parts any more and the repro guys just evidently are not seeing enough demand to spend the investment.
        Porsche supports their cars and probably makes good money doing it, many many Porsche original parts are still available- at a price. Tried lately to buy parts for a C4, C5 ? Sorry, Chevrolet doesn't support those parts...

        No wonder '73 and newer Corvettes are not getting brought out. Follow the money


        • Ed N.
          Very Frequent User
          • May 16, 2010
          • 990

          Re: C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

          I have the template and the GM instruction sheet how to apply. Reproduced one with expel. Looks just like the original. Below yo will find a sample.

          Ed Nieves
          NCRS #51799


          • Bob B.
            Very Frequent User
            • January 30, 2007
            • 524

            Re: C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

            Ed, any way you would make another ? I like the hoop, always wondered why nobody has done a hump back panel like the 89 Porsche speedster
            THANKS Bob


            • Ed N.
              Very Frequent User
              • May 16, 2010
              • 990

              Re: C4 convertible rear deck lid / clear vinyl anybody reproducing. ?

              Let me work on it. It's not cheap, but at the very least, I can send you a template and you can have one done.
              Ed Nieves
              NCRS #51799


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