Message to the NCRS President and membership (non tech).

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  • Kevin G.
    • February 1, 2005
    • 1066

    Message to the NCRS President and membership (non tech).

    I’m humbled.

    A promise was made, this promise was kept. A mistake was made, this mistake has been rectified. Forgiveness is deserved.

    Details are not important, it’s honor that has shined thru!

    Every NCRS member should know, Mark Tulley is a man well suited to lead this organization. I will give and or help this man in anyway possible.

    A brief post, a poignant post, a post from my heart.

    Mr. Tulley, privately and publicly I’m sending my most sincere thanks, to you, for helping me!

  • Terry M.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 1, 2005
    • 167

    Re: Message to the NCRS President and membership (non tech).

    Ditto Kevin!

    I met Mark at the North Central Regional in Rochester, MN last month. I was visiting with Roy Sinor, who was parked next to me in the exhibit hall and a couple guys walked up and began visiting with us. I looked down and saw Mark's name tag and was, like, Holy Sh#t, this is Mark Tulley, President of NCRS. Anyway, he introduces himself and we have the nicest one on one discussion. He's just a regular guy. So nice to meet him and happy that he made the trip to the Midwest.



    • Kenneth B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 1, 1984
      • 2078

      Re: Message to the NCRS President and membership (non tech).

      I second this.I also met Mark at a car auction not long after he was named President. NCRS is in good hands with Mark.. Had a good conversation about what was & whet we both hope will be the direction of NCRS. I feel NCRS is in good hands now with Mark.
      65 350 TI CONV 67 J56 435 CONV,67,390/AIR CONV,70 454/air CONV,


      • Michael J.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 27, 2009
        • 7033

        Re: Message to the NCRS President and membership (non tech).

        I have to also agree with these comments about Mr. Tulley and how he has handled the job that was thrust upon him unexpectedly. When I have had questions or criticisms, he has always answered me, in email, on the phone, or person to person at the Tucson Regional. In looking at the situations and people in NCRS today, he has done the best job possible and has provided a steady hand and reasoned voice to the organization, keeping it moving along and satisfying most of the membership. Thank you Mr. Tulley.
        Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


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