N11 Muffler Seams Crimped or Welded?

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  • Alan D.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 2005
    • 2016

    Re: N11 Muffler Seams Crimped or Welded?

    Recall when the N11 re-pops where being proposed to be manufactured, a lot of information was being presented here including the muffler drawing, pn 3845738. So perhaps a look back at that discussion my help, around 2000 (not sure on date)
    Now the muffler had it's own pn since it was used for left/right, but once assembled it got a L/R part number.
    My copy of the muffler is very poor and is also toooo large to upload on NCRS site, if I make smaller then it really becomes useless and unreadable.

    I can read on that drawing noted at the end, "Weld Securely"
    Nothing on the crimp seam running the length.


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