1963 BW T-!0 Shifter Base Contacting Bracket Bolt Shifting to 3rd Gear - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 BW T-!0 Shifter Base Contacting Bracket Bolt Shifting to 3rd Gear

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  • Frederick H.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 31, 1983
    • 398

    1963 BW T-!0 Shifter Base Contacting Bracket Bolt Shifting to 3rd Gear

    The base of the shifter is contacting/rubbing the bracket bolt head when shifting into third gear (BW T-10, 340HP). All other grear positions engage properly. There is what looks like a hole for a set screw at the base of the shifter but nothing in it. Is there a grommet or spacer that is missing to keep the shifter from hitting the bolt head? Photos attached.
    Thanks in advance.
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