Dislocated my upper control arm shaft- how to fix? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Dislocated my upper control arm shaft- how to fix?

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  • Michael L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 14, 2006
    • 1387

    Re: Dislocated my upper control arm shaft- how to fix?

    Got the upper a-arm out. It was fairly easy. Thanks to Duke and others who posted their technique. I took pics of the removed a-arm, bushings, and shaft. See attached.


    removed upper a=arm.jpgremoved upper a-arm drivers B.jpg


    • Michael L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 14, 2006
      • 1387

      Re: Dislocated my upper control arm shaft- how to fix?

      Leif, yeah I was figuring that the upper fronts would be hard to get to. I will see if I can remove the upper radiator support bolts and loosen the lowers and if I can roll the radiator a couple of inches forward. If not I'll loctite them and just tighten the snot out of them as you suggest. As I mentioned previously, I'm going to remove the lower bolts and loctite and re-torque them.

      Rich, although I didn't do these a-arms I've done others and I have a press and will be doing it myself. I see the spacer you used for the lower arms is made out of PCV and the upper is made out of metal. I will make both of mine out of PCV and it's what I've used before.


      • Richard M.
        Super Moderator
        • August 31, 1988
        • 11249

        Re: Dislocated my upper control arm shaft- how to fix?

        Originally posted by Michael Leonard (46610)
        Leif, yeah I was figuring that the upper fronts would be hard to get to. I will see if I can remove the upper radiator support bolts and loosen the lowers and if I can roll the radiator a couple of inches forward. If not I'll loctite them and just tighten the snot out of them as you suggest. As I mentioned previously, I'm going to remove the lower bolts and loctite and re-torque them.

        Rich, although I didn't do these a-arms I've done others and I have a press and will be doing it myself. I see the spacer you used for the lower arms is made out of PCV and the upper is made out of metal. I will make both of mine out of PCV and it's what I've used before.
        Mike, Both were white painted old metal pipe I had lying around. PVC would work too.


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