C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area) - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

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  • Wayne Y.
    Frequent User
    • March 10, 2015
    • 41

    C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

    My buddy is in need of a body dolly loan for a '65 Coupe that he's pulling the body on. He's in the Charlotte, NC area. If anyone in that vicinity has one, please message me. Thanks, Wayne
  • Stephen L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 31, 1984
    • 3146

    Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

    Why not build one. When he is done with it he can use it for firewood.....
    I built this one. I was able to transport my body via trailer about 100 miles without incident......
    Cost: about $35
    Attached Files


    • Wayne Y.
      Frequent User
      • March 10, 2015
      • 41

      Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

      Hi Stephen - nice job! Yep, that's Plan B. But, if someone nearby has one available...that would be preferred.


      • Jack M.
        Infrequent User
        • February 28, 1999
        • 10

        Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

        Morning, Wayne. Unfortunately, not in the Charlotte area (Ft. Lauderdale) but have a steel body dolly I'd be willing to donate. Built it for my 62 but made the 8 mounting points adjustable forward/back, left/right, up/down for future non-C1 restos, so it'll fit. Mounting points have a bolt welded in, so you just put the bolt through the body-to-chassis mounting holes and bolt it down with a nut. Comes apart in 10 minutes and stores flat (it's under my C7 right now), has big wheels (5 1/2") for easy rolling. One plus of this design is that it allows virtually total access to body underside for cleaning, fiberglass work, gusset replacements/repair, etc. It's made of 2x2 and 2.5x2.5" steel tubing and largest piece is about 8' long, so pretty sure FedEx Ground and UPS Ground will take it. Only downside is cost of shipping (WAG $100-200 + some amount for boxing it up and shipping). Good luck either way! 20201030_165126.jpg20201012_154112.jpg


        • Wayne Y.
          Frequent User
          • March 10, 2015
          • 41

          Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

          Thanks Jack! I just sent you a private message w/my contact info. That looks perfect.


          • Joe R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 1976
            • 4547

            Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

            Wayne, there are several articles in The Restorer thru the years about building a body dolly. That one above looks great as it is fully adjustable for almost any C-1 thru C-3 Corvette and maybe other cars as well.



            • Mark S.
              Very Frequent User
              • July 31, 1983
              • 649

              Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

              Steve: For $35.00, I assume you purchased your wood and supplies before this inflationary period? Mark


              • Stephen L.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • May 31, 1984
                • 3146

                Re: C2 Body Dolly needed (Charlotte, NC area)

                Mark, I built this BEFORE Biden took office...... still much cheaper than metal..... which is out of sight!!!!!


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