1980 Power Door Lock Issue - NCRS Discussion Boards

1980 Power Door Lock Issue

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  • Tony D.
    Infrequent User
    • November 3, 2022
    • 7

    1980 Power Door Lock Issue

    Just purchased a 1980 corvette that is all original. Having issues with the courtesy fuse that keeps blowing when I install the 20 amp fuse.
    I think I narrowed it down to the power door locks. Door locks when powered automatically lock every couple of seconds all by itself?
    With no power I can manually lock and unlock both doors from locking mechanism on arm rest as well as from the key. Athough the drivers side is hard to lock and unlock (which could be my issue with it drawing extra current when powered causing fuse to blow).

    I'm stumped as to why the power locks are locking automatically all by itself? Any suggestions? Could I have an issue with the Alarm circuit?
  • Arland D.
    • July 31, 1980
    • 408

    Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

    Holding down the door lock switch does not result in repetitive locking attempts so a short in the switch or circuit doesn't seem likely. You may have found the issue in the difficulty in getting the mechanism to physically work. Might be time to remove the door panel and get to know the locking mechanism.


    • Tony D.
      Infrequent User
      • November 3, 2022
      • 7

      Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

      Good to know that Arland. Thank you! I have seen in some schematics that the door lock actuators go to the alarm circuit? Could the Alarm circuit cause the doors to lock?


      • Arland D.
        • July 31, 1980
        • 408

        Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

        The theft deterrent system is basically a circuit board that reacts to all the different inputs to activate the alarm and kill the ignition system so it wouldn't drive the locking mechanism. The mechanical bind you described sounds like a good place to look.


        • Tony D.
          Infrequent User
          • November 3, 2022
          • 7

          Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

          Just checked and my 1980 does not have the theft deterrent module. Has to be one of the switches? When I hold one of the switches to the unlock position the doors do not unlock but it does stop them from locking by themselves. When I release the doors both lock then a few seconds later they try locking again. It is like the actuators are getting power to lock at all times? Both act together.


          • Tony D.
            Infrequent User
            • November 3, 2022
            • 7

            Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

            Any good instructions or videos out there on taking off the door panel of a 1980?


            • Tony D.
              Infrequent User
              • November 3, 2022
              • 7

              Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

              So, what your saying is what I'm seeing. Motor stays powered then goes off because of circuit breaker, then once reset it tries to lock again?


              • Mike E.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • February 28, 1975
                • 5115

                Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

                I just helped with an 80 with an issue with the same fuse. If I recall, there were 5 different items powered by that same fuse. In the one that I helped with the theft alarm was the culprit. Unplugged power to that, and everything else was fine.


                • Tony D.
                  Infrequent User
                  • November 3, 2022
                  • 7

                  Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

                  I'm confused because I don't think the 80 had the theft deterrent system (which locked the doors automatically). My Alarm system I think only causes horn and flashers to go on. I was told that the alarm system or electronic module was included starting in 81.


                  • Tom R.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • June 30, 1993
                    • 4067

                    Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

                    Originally posted by Tony DiBiasio (69809)
                    Any good instructions or videos out there on taking off the door panel of a 1980?
                    If its like a 78, look for a couple of screws, like one toward the door jamb, arm rest and door handle. I've scanned the page for the door panel from the 1980 AIM...an AIM (assembly instruction manual) is essential for accessing car guts when troubleshooting.

                    1980 door panel_AIM294.jpg
                    Tom Russo

                    78 SA NCRS 5 Star Bowtie
                    78 Pace Car L82 M21
                    00 MY/TR/Conv


                    • David H.
                      Extremely Frequent Poster
                      • June 30, 2001
                      • 1451

                      Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue


                      Pages 8A-75 & 76 of your 1980 Shop Manual have power door lock circuits with a detailed wiring diagram and a circuit operation narrative.

                      Judging Chairman Mid-Way USA (Kansas) Chapter


                      • Tony D.
                        Infrequent User
                        • November 3, 2022
                        • 7

                        Re: 1980 Power Door Lock Issue

                        Found issue to be the wiring (connector) and power door lock switch on drivers side. Diagrams I have showed a way to isolate the issue from driver and passenger side so once I found that it was the driver side that had a short I was able to locate it easily. Replaced switch and wiring harness and all good now. Thank y'all for the feedback!!


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