70 Ground to Center Console

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  • Allen N.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 2003
    • 288

    70 Ground to Center Console

    I am working on the center console and on installing a new wiring harness. In the 70 AIM on UPC 1 ASM, Sheet E6, it shows a ground terminal on the ashtray as seen here:
    My car did not have a ground terminal here, and it does not appear to be a good place for one based on the bracket that goes between the ashtray and the center console.

    I did have a ground in the center console as shown on UPC 12, Sheet B2, as seen here:

    It is my opinion that the center console ground is connected to the heater controls as shown in the second picture and there is no ground connected to the ashtray.

    Also, I only see one ground wire on the wiring harness in this location that must go to the heater control terminal.

    Am I correct or am I missing something?

  • Lawrence M.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1995
    • 404

    Re: 70 Ground to Center Console

    Hi Allen,

    This has come up before. See "70 console ground" in the Similar Threads section below. Hope all is going well with you and your family.
    2002 Z51 Convertible
    1969 L46 Convertible


    • Allen N.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 2003
      • 288

      Re: 70 Ground to Center Console

      Hi Lawrence,

      Thank you very much for the reply. It looks like it is as I thought and the ground on the heater controls grounds the entire center console.

      Glad to see you are still enjoying that beautiful Daytona Yellow 69. I still miss that car, but you can't keep them all.

      Best wishes to you and your family,


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