62 Shift Plate and retainers

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  • Robert I.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 2004
    • 164

    62 Shift Plate and retainers

    I wanted to install the shift plate on my 62. The retaining screws are in the retainers and wouldn't turn. I put a little penetrating oil down in there. The nut holding the screws just turns and turns.

    I tried to get a wrench in there to hold the nut, but when I turned the screw the screw fell through the hole with the retainer attached to it.

    The trans is a hair too far to the left, driver's side, because I can see that one of the shifter rods is rubbing on the trans tunnel.

    So I need to loosen the trans anyway and see if I can move it a bit to the right.

    But what do those retainers attach to?

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    Bob Immler
  • David B.
    Frequent User
    • April 1, 2000
    • 41

    Re: 62 Shift Plate and retainers

    Robert, I believe the screws were retained by cage nuts which snapped into the tunnel holes. Tricky part is, I believe they must be installed from underneath--and I'm not sure exactly how tricky that is with the transmission installed. Below is a link from a catalog showing what the nuts look like (I believe these match the nut in the AIM, PN 271014):

    I'm aware that people have used alternative solutions to install retainers from above, e.g., rivnuts or push-in plastic license plate retainer nuts. Obviously those aren't stock, and may require enlarging the holes.


    • Carl R.
      Frequent User
      • November 1, 2018
      • 62

      Re: 62 Shift Plate and retainers

      Robert, here is a picture of what it looks like from underneath. If the holes are messed up too much that a new cage nut will not stay in place, try using an epoxy type glue or a panel adhesive like SEM panel adhesive, just don't get it on the threads. Now lets see if I can get this picture up here.DSCN0471 (1).jpg


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