Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

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  • Dan A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 1, 1974
    • 1072

    Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

    Does the National Corvette Museum have long sought information regarding Corvette production records the rest of the Corvette world does not?

    I am not a facebook fan but recently ventured there in order to reach a long lost relative. Naturally I have had look at the Corvette Groups. I have to say in all my years in the hobby I have never seen so much bad information. No doubt most of it is well meaning.

    Today I happened upon info about what became of Corvette production records in the C2 Corvette 1963-67 group. An owner asked an often asked question about his '64. A reply came quickly that all records had been lost in a fire. Because it's news to me I asked the responder when and where. He promptly replied this is what he was told at the National Corvette Museum recently. I enquired further to find he had been told this by a man behind the "records counter" and this was the second time he had been told this at the Museum.

    Can anyone here substantiate this claim? Anyone know the details, when where and who owned the records at the time? Or is this simply misinformation? Is this an example of the well meaning spreading bad info that disseminates and becomes urban legend? If it is incorrect I feel it's even more egregious if it's being spread by the National Corvette Museum.

    For those who do faceplant I have attached a link. For non faceplanter's I have cut and pasted some of the conversation.

    1 faceplant.jpg
    2 faceplant.jpg
    3 faceplant.jpg
    4 faceplant.jpg
  • Keith B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 16, 2014
    • 1555

    Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

    I have heard the fire story for decades. but there seems to be no proof. you would think someone from the fire dept would remember that. my family has been with our local fire dept for well over 70 years and they can tell you every major incident.


    • Harry S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • August 1, 2002
      • 5181

      Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

      I've just got to put this to rest. I know Duntov's attorney at GM. He was assigned the task of looking for all the records about production prior to his retirement. He visited every warehouse that contained GM documents in the US. Nothing, I mean nothing was found about production of C2, Corvettes.


      • Owen L.
        Very Frequent User
        • October 1, 1991
        • 799

        Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

        I'd assume this fire occurred in the late-'70s since the only GM records for Corvettes are for '80 and newer or some such timeframe. I suspect folks are confusing the military records fire and loss of records in '73 with the dearth of GM records. There are no news articles about a GM records fire; if it occurred it would be common knowledge from all sources.

        Out of curiosity, do any records exist for Chevrolet's other car lines during the time period that Corvette records are unavailable?


        • Keith B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 16, 2014
          • 1555

          Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

          Originally posted by Owen Lowe (20119)
          I'd assume this fire occurred in the late-'70s since the only GM records for Corvettes are for '80 and newer or some such timeframe. I suspect folks are confusing the military records fire and loss of records in '73 with the dearth of GM records. There are no news articles about a GM records fire; if it occurred it would be common knowledge from all sources.

          Out of curiosity, do any records exist for Chevrolet's other car lines during the time period that Corvette records are unavailable?
          I think it's safe to say when production moved to Bowling Green, they had the idea to save a copy of the build sheet, while St Louis did not. and there are no other Chevy cars from the 60's or 70's with build records. how Ever Pontiac, Olds and maybe Buick and Cadillac have something available. John Hinckly once said Chevy built too many cars to keep any records while the other lines built a fraction of what Chevy did and that is why they exist


          • Leif A.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 1, 1997
            • 3567

            Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

            I wonder if that poor fella is confusing the St Louis fire in 1973 that destroyed so many veterans records?? May be having a senior moment.

            The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) Fire: A Study in Disaster Overview: On July 12, 1973, a disastrous fire at the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) destroyed approximately 16-18 million Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF).
            '67 Coupe L79, M21, C60, N14, N40, J50, A31, U69, A01, QB1
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            • Larry E.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • December 1, 1989
              • 1628

              Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

              FWIW>In taking Al Grenning seminairs he indicated that 12 to 13 pieces of paperwork where
              generated for the C2's/C3's. Can't believe EVERYTHING was destroyed by fire or anything else. I talked
              to Alan Colvin years ago and he told me that some of the records "DID INDEED EXIST". Getting them
              released is another story. Somewhere/Somebody knows something. Of course JMHO>Larry
              Last edited by Larry E.; November 1, 2022, 11:42 AM.

              LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


              • Larry E.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • December 1, 1989
                • 1628

                Re: Does NCM Have Long Sought Info The Rest of the Corvette World Does Not?

                Who claims this paperwork has to be in a "warehouse"? It could be anywhere; perhaps in a basement of the people houses who
                made the decision and
                feared the lawsuits that would come about. Whoever made the decision on this had a "higher paid grade" then Jim
                Perkins. JMHO >>Larry

                LT1 in a 1LE -- One of 134


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