1973 Radio-equipped cars Coil Capacitor

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  • George H.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 9, 2017
    • 180

    1973 Radio-equipped cars Coil Capacitor

    Radio-equipped cars Coil Capacitor

    3rd Edition 2018 Tech Manual
    Reference Mechanical page 134.
    Fig. M 8.14 Coil capacitor.

    There is a part number reference error in the 4th paragraph. It reads the metal-covered capacitor is embossed: J047452 DR 3MF. I don't believe that description is correct. My '73 has an AM/FM Stereo radio and the capacitor on the coil is marked: 1852715 DR 3MF. The Fig. M 8.14 on page 134 also shows that same embossing part number. The figure is correct. I believe a J947452 capacitor was used on '68-69 427 Corvettes equipped with a radio.

    George Hunt
    Ocala, FL
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