Core support bolt heads in wheel wells- painted or not?

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  • Garry B.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 1991
    • 654

    Core support bolt heads in wheel wells- painted or not?

    1967 - I think my title explains the question and answer I am looking for. Have tried to figure out the assembly sequence and don't know if the brackets and bolts were in place during wheel well black out or not. Thanks for the help.
    Garry Barnes #18531
    '67 Lynndale Blue Coupe- National TF, BG
    ​'67 Sunfire Yellow Coupe- 4 Star Bowtie,

  • Paul D.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 1, 1996
    • 491

    Re: Core support bolt heads in wheel wells- painted or not?

    I am not your best resource for C2 info, but since you have not gotten a quick response I will contribute. The radiator support would be in place before blackout or even paint I would think since hood hinges usually receive some degree of black out. Please wait for others more knowledgeable to comment before making any changes to your car. Chip.


    • Garry B.
      Very Frequent User
      • January 1, 1991
      • 654

      Re: Core support bolt heads in wheel wells- painted or not?

      Paul, I appreciate your response and feel that we are both thinking the same way, just wanted to confirm before I move on. I think I am comfortable with them being painted with the correct black-out finish. Thanks again.
      Garry Barnes #18531
      '67 Lynndale Blue Coupe- National TF, BG
      ​'67 Sunfire Yellow Coupe- 4 Star Bowtie,


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