71 BB coil replacement - NCRS Discussion Boards

71 BB coil replacement

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  • Pat H.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1996
    • 411

    71 BB coil replacement

    I have a Delco 293 coil sitting on the self and was wondering is its okay to use it on a 71 BB. I think there is an intermetent issue with the exitising one on the car. Any comment would be appreciated
  • Bill B.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 2016
    • 302

    Re: 71 BB coil replacement

    Pat, does your BB engine utilize a points ignition distributor or a transistor ignition distributor? That would determine the answer.

    Unfortunately, most of my reference material is over 600 miles away, so hopefully your response will enable others to look up and give you a definitive answer to your question.
    Bill Bertelli
    Northeast and Carolinas Chapters Member
    '70 Resto Mod LT-1 w/ partial '70 ZR-1 drivetrain


    • Pat H.
      Very Frequent User
      • November 30, 1996
      • 411

      Re: 71 BB coil replacement

      Bill, It has points and a condenser


      • Bill B.
        Very Frequent User
        • August 1, 2016
        • 302

        Re: 71 BB coil replacement

        Hi Pat, since others haven't chimed in, I'm going out on an electrical branch here (I'm a retired electrical engineer, so excuse the pun) and say that since the "293" coil is NOT a TI coil, you should be able to run your engine with it. According to the Delco Remy parts site, the "293" was superseded by the "238" coil for service replacement purposes. As most coils in that period, it requires an external resistance, either thru an external resistor, or a resistance wire. (I believe the external resistor was dropped sometime in the 1968 timeframe, and resistance wire used in the harness instead).

        Sorry I can't give you more definitive info at this time,but will be reunited with my data source materials after Labor Day.
        Bill Bertelli
        Northeast and Carolinas Chapters Member
        '70 Resto Mod LT-1 w/ partial '70 ZR-1 drivetrain


        • Pat H.
          Very Frequent User
          • November 30, 1996
          • 411

          Re: 71 BB coil replacement

          Thanks Bill. I appreciate the info. This 293 coil was on my 59 when I bought it and I never has an issue with it. I've since found an original 091 which has been in the car for the last 6 years and going strong.


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